Page 23 of Demanded Submission

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“That’s crazy.”

I gave her a look as I opened the door. “I’m a big girl. I can take care of myself. Besides, hopefully Jameson will have some information about my car.”

“Maybe he can take you home. Ooh-la-la. After a little kinky time.”

“Stop,” I admonished, although the thought had crossed my mind. Not about the kink but the ride.

“Did you call the body shop?”

“I did,” I lied. He’d taken care of everything, and I couldn’t even remember the name of the tow company who’d arrived. I knew it was stupid putting all my faith into him, but I’d been a little bit out of my mind by that point, maybe even in shock. “I think Jameson had it brought here.”

“Girl, there’s no way the damage could have been fixed that quickly. Call me and I’ll come get you. Okay? That is if that hunk doesn’t grab you first.” She was in an unusually good mood, far too giddy for someone who’d been labeled a ‘bad girl.’

“What about your work?”

She shrugged yet was unable to hide the shadow that crossed her face from the overhead light. “I can get off for a few minutes. They owe me a favor or two. Don’t worry about it.”

There were so many things I wanted to say to her, begging her to find another job, but now wasn’t the time.

A few minutes. The drive here had taken almost thirty. I had to fend on my own. Besides, I had the distinct feeling that pulling her away from her important duties would be frowned on. She looked as if she was headed to a glamorous party, her sequined dress sparkling in the neon exterior lights of the club. “Let me see what happens. Okay? I’ll be fine.”

“I worry about you. That’s all.”

I climbed out, thinking about something I’d wanted to ask her once again. When I stuck my head back in, I almost didn’t do it, but something prompted me otherwise. “You’re not doing anything illegal, are you? With your job, I mean.”

While she laughed, I sensed she was prepared to give me the answer I needed to hear. “Now, you need to stop worrying. I’ll tell you more about what I do later. Okay?”

In my mind she was running drugs for the cartel.

Somehow, I doubted she’d come clean with me no matter how many times I asked. “Okay. Be safe. I’ll ask about the job.”

“Thank you. Now, go have some raunchy fun.”

I backed away, waiting until she was out of sight before taking a deep breath. The truth was I was anything but okay. While I was flustered and worried I couldn’t handle the job I’d been offered, I also had reservations about seeing Jameson again. His domineering actions had remained with me long after he’d gone. It wasn’t just about the round of discipline, but also because I’d enjoyed pleasing him, being praised. It made no real sense. I’d never been that kind of girl in my life.

My daddy used to call me a tomboy, more likely to pick a fight with a boy than play with dolls. He was right. I’d never been comfortable around girls, especially my age. Maybe that’s why I’d liked spending time with Charlotte. She took no shit from anyone.

At least I could pretend to be something I wasn’t tonight. Confident. I threw my head back and headed for the door, noticing a line had already formed outside the building. I’d talked with Ginger for a little while over the phone. She seemed very nice, albeit I could tell a little baffled about why Jameson had offered me a job. I certainly wasn’t going to tell her he probably felt sorry for me.

Or that we’d… fucked.

Ugh. I had to stop thinking about it. When I opened the door, a huge man advanced like a predator, stopping in front of me. The look on his face was menacing. And holy cow, he was huge.

I was forced to lift my entire head to be able to try to look him in the eyes.

“You’ll need to get in line with everyone else,” he told me in a brusque tone, folding his arms over his massive chest.

“I… work here. I mean this is my first night. I mean I’m supposed to see Ginger?”

He narrowed his eyes, scrutinizing my jeans and sneakers. “What’s your name?”

I tried to swallow the huge lump in my throat, anxiety tearing through me. “Alexandra Kingston.” The man acted like I wasn’t going to be given entrance. Then he grabbed an iPad, running his fingers across the screen. When a huge grin popped across his face, I shrank back.



“I’m her. Who are you?”
