Page 26 of Demanded Submission

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“You don’t treat women that way,” Jameson roared. He used the full weight of his body in pinning the guy to the floor, so much so I heard the kid gagging as he flailed his arms.

“Hey, man. You’re killing him,” a buddy shouted.

“We were just fooling around.”

The look Jameson gave the guy who’d just made the mistake of speaking was pure evil.

Suddenly, Jagger was there as well as the other bouncer.

“We got it from here, boss,” Jagger said, sneering at the entire table.

Only Jameson didn’t seem very interested in letting the now choking man go. In fact, he leaned over, his voice low enough I couldn’t hear what was being said, but I did notice the look of terror on the guy’s face. Then my boss rose to his feet, raking both hands through his hair. Everything about the incident seemed surreal, including the fact no one in close proximity seemed bothered by any of it.

The dude scrambled to his feet, huffing and puffing as if he was going to attempt to take Jameson on in a fight. I wasn’t a betting girl, but I’d be happy to slide a C note on this one given the kid was at least six inches shorter and a solid eighty pounds lighter.

“Now, apologize to the young lady,” Jameson hissed, snapping his head in the dude’s direction. At least the kid had the good sense to back off.

The arrogance of the four remaining guys remained strong, one of them folding his arms and laughing.

“Not gonna happen, bud.”

I was certain that Jameson was going to fly across the table at the guy for his haughty attitude alone, but instead he took a deep breath then planted his hands on the table, leaning over. “The five of you are banned from my club, gentlemen. Now, you will apologize, or I’ll personally have you tossed out of here instead of any of you being able to walk out on your own. It’s your choice.”

“My father will hear about this.” The statement was made by the one who’d grabbed my ass.

Jagger seemed surprised at first then grinned, mimicking the jerk’s movements by crossing his arms over his massive chest.

Jameson took a deep breath, moving closer once again. “Do that. It changes nothing. Apologize or you’re going to get hurt.”

The five looked back and forth at each other. Finally, the one who’d been completely silent throughout the entire floor show cleared his throat.

“We’re sorry. That was rude of us.”

One by one the others gave their sorry excuses for an apology, the ass grabber coming in an oh-so shocking last. When they grabbed their things, acting as if they were going to leave without paying, Jagger smashed his fist on the table.

“Money, boys. And make certain you tip our server generously for the bullshit you just put her through.” Jagger’s voice boomed over the music.

Ass grabber cursed under his breath, yanking out his wallet and tossing several bills onto the table. When he walked past, he brushed against me with enough momentum I had to take a step back.

“Out. Now!” Jagger winked at me before leading all five away from the table. I took a deep breath, about ready to provide thanks to my boss when I realized he’d walked away, disappearing into the crowd.

I started to shake all over again. Within seconds, another employee was there to clean up the mess. I grabbed the money and tray then backed away, taking several shaky breaths before sliding behind the bar. As I shook off the glass, returning the tray to the holder, the bartender eased behind me.

“Delicious excitement on your first night,” Troy said, the bartender grinning as he made some frothy beverage.

“Ugh. I shouldn’t have insulted them, but they plucked my last nerve.” I held out the wad of cash, noticing ass grabber had stopped long enough to take another spiteful look in my direction.

He took the cash from my hand, immediately cashing out their check. When he handed me a crisp hundred-dollar bill, I almost kissed him. “Your tip. At least they were generous.”

“Only because they were made to do so. Jerks.”

“You got that right. I’m glad someone had the balls to say something to them. Spoiled little rich brats with trust funds. They’ve been troublemakers since the day they were born. I oughta know. I had to go to high school with all five of them.”

“Ouch!” I shoved the money in my pocket, grateful to have some additional cash.

“You can say that again. I’m curious. What did you say to them to get them all hot and bothered?”

“Oh, something about their tiny dicks.”
