Page 45 of Demanded Submission

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He moved toward the dresser, unfastening his watch. I lifted my head, watching his every move, curious as to what he had planned. I thought for certain he was going to undress, but he merely rolled up his sleeves, staring at me in the mirror as he performed the menial task.

His forearms were so muscular and I concentrated on studying the ink covering one arm as he finished the task. At least the concentration calmed my nerves to some degree. Next, he removed his tie, the act taking longer than it should. I had a feeling he was trying to keep me in suspense, testing my resolve.

As he started to unbutton his shirt, I realized my mouth was watering all over again. The word ‘magnificent’ entered my mind, not once but twice. He was truly a gorgeous specimen of a man.

“Have you ever had a girlfriend?” I asked, immediately following that with a nervous laugh. “Of course you have. You’re what, in your thirties? That means you’ve had lots of girlfriends. Dozens. Were they all submissives? I would guess they’d have to be. Right? You couldn’t handle a normal relationship being the way you are. I mean not that it’s a bad thing, just that your needs are different than other men.” At this point, somewhere in the back of my mind I knew my mouth was getting the better of me, but when I was nervous, and I definitely was freaking out, I couldn’t stop.

I wasn’t even looking at him by that point, just spewing off one question after another that I doubted he’d answer.

“Oops. I made that sound horrible. I didn’t mean it that way. I just meant—”

“Ssshh…” he interrupted, placing his index finger across my lips. I hadn’t noticed his approach. I’d been far too busy fighting with my bindings, the leather creaking like crazy. “Be quiet, Alexandra. I’ll answer all your questions but not right now.” He lifted my head and within seconds, a mask was placed over my eyes.

Now I thought for certain I would have a full panic attack and might have already if his hand hadn’t remained on my arm.

“What is happening?” I demanded, the tone much stronger than I’d intended.

“Now, I’m going to share uncontrollable pleasure with you.”

“That sounds good.” My brain was spinning out of control. He must think I was an idiot, unable to put a coherent sentence together. I took several loud, gasping breaths, trying to hold my position. When I didn’t hear anything for what were probably minutes but felt like hours, I jerked on all the bindings.

Then I felt the weight on the bed change, his intoxicating scent overwhelming. I tossed my head from side to side, trying to figure out what he had planned but the mask blacked out everything. As my breathing became more ragged, I was certain I’d soon be hyperventilating.

“What are you doing?” I asked after a few seconds had passed.

“Good things come to very patient girls.”

“I have none. You should know that.” What seemed like a half hour passed, although I knew my mind was exaggerating the time. Suddenly, I felt something between my legs.

“Everything you experience in the next few minutes should be heightened, your other senses taking over.”

Now I was panting, my heart beating more rapidly than before. I heard a sound, one I couldn’t identify. Then I felt what had to be his fingertips lightly rolling down the inside of my leg, coming dangerously close to my pussy. My entire body began to shiver and I jerked up as much as the shackles would allow.

Then his heated breath cascaded across my pussy, but the effect was entirely different than when he’d done so across the nape of my neck. I couldn’t have stopped a moan if I’d wanted to. My mind was an entire blur of strange images.

Whips and chains and spanking benches, oh, my. The ridiculous thought almost bubbled to the surface in the form of another nervous laugh, but I managed to curtail it.

The hot breath was followed by wetness. It took me a few seconds to realize what he was doing. Oh, my God. He was licking my clit. I was immediately thrown into a beautiful trance, uncertain of where I was any longer. Nor did I care, the pleasure so intense.

When the sound seemed closer, I turned my head in the direction. Something was whirling. I tensed again, fisting my hands but within seconds, the vibrating whir was place against my clit, replacing his mouth. I jerked out so hard I was certain I’d popped the bindings. My mind was blown as a wave of pleasure jetted through me with enough power I couldn’t hold back a scream.

“Oh, God. Oh… I can’t… I…”

Jameson rubbed the instrument of rapture down the length of my pussy as he suckled on my clit, swirling his tongue around the already sensitive nub until I was bucking at the shackles. Nothing had prepared me for the intensity of sensations, leaving me aching, desire roaring through me with a tidal wave level of strength.

I was certain he was growling, the hum of his breath keeping me warm and wet. When he returned the vibrator to my clit, rolling it back and forth, there was no way I could hold back. “I need to come. Please. Oh, please allow me to come. Sir. Master. I’ll call you anything you want.”

“Not yet.”

Was he freaking kidding me? I continued to struggle with my body, trying to be that perfect girl when I was certain I’d go completely off the rails. He alternated between the grueling pleasure of his mouth and tongue with the wretched yet wonderful vibrator, leaving me aching all over. I couldn’t control my body more than I could my whimpers, the noise I made drowning out the whirring instrument.

As another wave of pleasure tore through me, I bucked hard, the lack of vision no longer a pressing thought in my mind.

“Oh, please. Oh… I can’t. I can’t. I can’t.”

“Yes. You. Can.” His authoritative words were barely audible over my thumping heart but I did my best, biting my lower lip until I tasted blood, praying that would stop me from disobeying him.

I was aware he’d shifted positions, driving his tongue into my pussy while he tormented my clit with the vibrator. Every pant erupting from my mouth sounded like some animal in heat. I didn’t care. As I drifted into some other plane of existence, my head lolled to the side. I was suddenly exhausted, unable to keep fighting the raw bliss.
