Page 55 of Demanded Submission

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She brushed past me into the kitchen, probably searching for a vase. I remained where I was for a few seconds before heading to my room to grab my purse. When I returned to the kitchen, she was arranging the flowers, a smile on her face. But it was plastic, just like the world we both had survived in.

There were at least a dozen things I wanted to say but at this point, what good would they do? She believed what she was going through was somehow justified.

When Charlotte shot me an unapologetic look, I was forced to face the fact there was nothing I could do except find a place of my own. I could tell by the glisten in her eyes that she truly believed she was in love.

As I’d thought before. Who was I to judge? I’d allowed myself to fall into the deep end of a cesspool. I understood better than most how tough it was to fight off the insecurities and other demons that plagued someone’s mind.

I only hoped she’d come to her senses before she lost the battle.

And her life.

* * *

Traffic was a bitch and I remained nervous, constantly glancing in the rearview mirror. The truck was amazing, including the fact it sat high above a significant number of other vehicles. It allowed me to catch a glimpse at traffic several car lengths behind.

The dark SUV drew my attention immediately. There were hundreds of them in Miami, likely carrying various bad men from all walks of life in their attempt to remain as anonymous as possible. While I wasn’t prone to worrying about boogeymen crawling out from under my bed, this time I was very much on edge. There were too many ‘what if’ scenarios floating in the back of my mind.

Benny had all but threatened me, although he’d done a damn good job of masking it as a nice little warning. I studied the area, remembering a turn I could use that would also get me to the club. I waited until the last minute, not signaling before making the turn. After a wave of blasting horns, I sped forward, my actions more daring than normal as I weaved my way around several other cars.

When I looked again, there was no sign of the SUV. Exhaling, I was about to chastise myself for being ridiculous when it appeared again. “Shit.” A lump formed in my throat and the only hope I had was losing the asshole on the interstate.

With two miles still to go, I continuously glanced in the side mirror, my stomach in knots. When the onramp appeared, I did the same thing I had before, gunning the engine. As expected, the SUV followed me, keeping a distance but close enough to watch my every turn.

I wasted no time, trying to stay just five miles above the speed limit, but with the heavy traffic, it was almost impossible. The best I could hope for was losing them in the sea of vehicles.

Five minutes later, it was apparent I was losing the game they were playing. I wasn’t in the mood to play cat and mouse, my anger increasing. I glanced at the sign indicating several exits, the one leading to Blackout three ahead. After taking another glance, I shifted to the right-hand lane. What I was thinking about doing would take luck. If I could get off at the exit prior to the one I needed then roar back onto the interstate immediately, I might lose them long enough to be able to get to the next exit.

Even if the assholes knew where I worked, all I needed to do was get to the door and one of the bouncers would help me.

Laughing nervously, I sped down the exit ramp, scanning the road furiously until I located the sign enabling me to get back on. Fortunately, luck was with me for a change, no vehicles or streetlights to hinder me. When I pressed my foot on the accelerator, heading back to the interstate, I held my breath until I made it to the next exit. Only then did I look up.

The SUV wasn’t in sight.

Thank fucking God for small favors.

I didn’t waste any time, also thankful the three lights I had to go through were all green. My throat was tight when I pulled into the employee parking lot, forced to take a space in the back. I barely managed to bring the truck to a stop, cutting the engine before I had the door open, and my hand wrapped around my purse.

The employees’ entrance was twenty yards away. The only problem was that there was no bouncer on the other side, only a single camera over the door for security. I glanced over my shoulder then jogged toward it, shifting in between other vehicles.

I was almost there when I heard a sound and froze.

Suddenly, a hand was snapped across my mouth and I was shoved against the building.

A man leered at me, laughing under his breath. “Hello, Alexandra. It’s good to see you again.”



Jagger was whistling when he came into my office. As soon as he saw me, he sported a shit-eating grin. “So, I didn’t get a chance to ask you how it felt to toss out some unruly customers. You haven’t done that in years.”

I heard a slight growl coming from my throat and grumbled under my breath. “Make certain those kids aren’t allowed in here any longer.”

“Well, I hate to remind you of this, but Matthew Garber has a full membership. As I seem to recall, that was again my recommendations.”

“You’re going to throw that in my face for a long time. Aren’t you?”

“If necessary.” He folded his arms as he walked closer. “I heard you’re planning a sudden trip to Paris. Again.”
