Page 57 of Demanded Submission

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Jagger huffed. “Like any woman could handle this.” He used all his fingers to point to himself. “Moi?”

“You’re right. You’re not fit for any woman.”

“Speak for yourself.”

We both laughed and I snagged the overstuffed envelope, eyeing the return address. Fuck. As I sat back, I rolled my finger across the address absently.

“By the way, I’m heading out early tonight. My sister flew in for a few days and I need to pick her up at the airport.”

The man lived in the club. “Take a couple days off.”

“We’ll see. She drives me nuts when she’s here,” he gritted out then nodded toward the envelope. “What is it?”

“It appears to be a letter from an attorney.”

“Maybe we’re being sued.”

As I eyed the address a second time, a moment of anger washed through my system. “No, we’re not being sued. Just an inconvenience.” I shoved it in a drawer with no intentions of handling it tonight.

Maybe ever.

Lachlan was right. It was time to start living again.

Jagger’s Apple Watch made a noise and he instantly jerked his arm up, pressing his finger on the screen.

“Fuck. We’ve got a problem. One of the servers is being accosted in the parking lot.”

My gut told me who it was.

He didn’t wait for my instructions, yanking out his phone and contacting another one of the bouncers.

I bolted ahead of him, making it to the bottom of the stairs within seconds. I raced down the hallway then through the crowd of Blackout patrons, almost knocking over several. When I made it to the employees’ entrance, I slammed both hands on the door, lunging outside.

The sight of Alexandra being pulled toward an awaiting SUV would remain emblazed in my mind. I lunged forward, pulling her from his arms, her scream as his hand was released from her mouth bloodcurdling.

And it fueled the raw rage burning inside of me. I issued two hard punches, slamming the assailant into the passenger door.

“Jesus,” Jagger said from behind me, immediately moving toward the driver’s side.

The guy’s head was lolled to the side, gasping for air. Blood seeped from his broken nose, as if I gave a shit. I wrapped my hand around his throat, ready to deliver several more in rapid succession.

That’s when I recognized the son of a bitch who’d attacked Alexandra.

Matthew Garber.

“Hey. You broke his nose,” the kid’s companion said as he was dragged around the back of the SUV.

“Yeah?” I snarled. “I’m planning on doing a hell of lot more,” I hissed then tightened my hold around Matthew’s neck until he was choking.

“Hey, boss man. I don’t think you want to do that,” Jagger said from behind me.

I shot him a look then turned my head toward Alexandra. She appeared shaken but not hurt. At least I could still see the fire in her eyes.

“Yeah? What I want to do is to break his neck. That’s exactly what he deserves.” I kept the choke hold as I lowered my head, leaving him no room to look away. “But here’s how we’re going to play this. I’m going to let the police handle it from here.”

“No. No!” he barked out as he slammed his fists against me. “Please.”

“Please? You attempted to kidnap a woman and you say please don’t have your ass arrested? Would you prefer I handled your penance, ass-wipe?” By now, a crowd had formed, including Danner and another employee. Both men flanked the sides of the SUV to prevent anyone from attempting escape.
