Page 61 of Demanded Submission

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After adding all the drinks to the tray, I headed for the special room. I took a deep breath and walked inside. Within seconds, I realized I’d walked into a lion’s den.

“I was hoping that we’d have a chance to meet.”

I remained in the doorway, studying the four men inside, my eyes falling to the one who’d been inside Charlotte’s place only a few hours before. Benny. The fucker had tracked me down. I did what I could to keep a straight face, although it was difficult not to notice Diego Santiago as he continued to stare at me.

“My lovely Charlotte mentioned that you were her new roommate. I thought I’d slum it tonight so I could meet you,” Diego said.

“I assure you that wasn’t necessary.” I guessed on the drinks, smacking the Budweiser down in front of Benny first.

“I believe it was especially since I heard of your unfortunate accident.” Diego tossed Benny a harsh look. Then he reached into his pocket, pulling out an envelope and sliding it in my direction.

“What’s that?” I lifted my gaze, trying to keep from clawing his eyes out. While the man was good looking, the scar on the side of his face marred what others might call his beauty. To me, he was a disgusting pig.

“Payment for the trouble Benny caused.”

“Trouble?” I pressed, the bad girl inside of me curious what he wanted in return.

“It would seem my… friend was exceeding the speed limit. I would hope this will be enough to repair any damages or provide any medical attention necessary after such an inconvenience.”

“In exchange for exactly what?” I was seething, still glaring at Benny who didn’t seem bothered in the least. Obviously, Charlotte had told him what I’d said.

Diego shifted in his seat. After placing both elbows on the arms of the leather chair, he steepled his fingers. “Merely in exchange for your understanding.”

The laugh that bubbled to the surface annoyed him. Oh, darn.

I said nothing, my stomach churning. Then I noticed Benny’s hand was bandaged. I didn’t need to look closely to see he was missing his little finger. I placed another drink on the table, no one reaching for it. I would guess the great cartel leader was supposed to give his approval for his men to enjoy their libations. From the thickness of the envelope, it was easy to tell there was a wad of cash inside.

The four men were staring at me, waiting to see how I’d react. While I wanted nothing more than to toss a drink in Diego’s face, I found enough restraint to place the tray on the table away from me. Then I slammed one hand on the surface while I tossed the envelope in his face. “Let me make this very clear. I don’t want payment from scum like you. And I will tell you this. If you ever lay another finger on my cousin, I will hunt you down and ensure you never touch another woman again. You got that?”

Diego looked smug, leaning back in his seat. The smile curling on his lips was unnerving, but I refused to be intimidated. When he said nothing, I plastered on a plastic smile, holding his seething gaze before backing away. “Enjoy your drinks, gentlemen. It’s the last you’re going to get in this club. We don’t allow trash.”

“Oh,” one of the men muttered, chuckling as if I’d just made a snappy joke.

I continued to back toward the door, daring Diego to do something. He sat calmly, the same look on his face, but his eyes moved as I did, watching me intently. I was able to hold my own as I opened the door, stepping into the hallway. Then my legs began to shake.

“Sweet Alexandra. I’ll forgive your behavior this once but keep something in mind. I am a dangerous man, someone you don’t want to cross.”

It was my turn to say nothing.

After taking several deep breaths, I headed toward the door, half expecting to be followed and yanked into one of the rooms. When I made it to the crowded main room, I made a beeline for the bar.

Troy watched my approach, stopping what he was doing and taking long strides toward me. “What the hell?”

“They came here to find me. Me! I told them I wouldn’t serve them, and I won’t. They can’t threaten me or my cousin. I won’t allow that to happen.”

“Whoa. Slow down. You’re not making any sense. Who were those guys?”

I threw a look over his shoulder, my nerves remaining on edge. I was a stupid girl for doing what I did, but someone needed to take care of Charlotte. “Diego Santiago and his men. Are they even supposed to be in here?”

He took a deep breath then hissed. “I can’t believe Ginger allowed you to wait on them.”

“Do not tell me they are members.” I thought about the room they’d selected and hissed. The Red Room. How appropriate. It was another subtle warning. Who did these assholes think they were?

“Not unless Mr. Stark changed the rules. He doesn’t allow known criminals inside the place. Although,” he said as he half laughed, “I assure you there are plenty of members who work the morally gray zone on a regular basis. You’ll need to talk to Mr. Stark about how Santiago was allowed to step foot in the place. He’s obviously a guest of a regular member. I am surprised the group was allowed in. I don’t like it at all.”

“Why?” I could tell his concern went far beyond what I’d just experienced.

“Santiago is bad news for everyone. He has a firm hold on far too many members of law enforcement if you ask me.” He threw up his hands. “The city is corrupt as fuck.”
