Page 70 of Demanded Submission

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He turned around to face me and there was no condemnation on his face, just appreciation that I’d managed to ask him for what I needed. The thought would have been ridiculous only a week before. But now? Everything I’d experienced up to this point made me feel cared for as well as comfortable. It was as if he knew what I needed before I did.

“Is this what you really want, Alexandra?”

I shuddered as I always did when he said my name. “Yes, it is.”

“Then go into the bedroom and remove your skirt and panties. Place a pillow in the center of the bed and lie across it.”

He gave me a simple command, lifting his eyebrows when I remained where I was.

“Yes, sir.” If I dared tell anyone I not only accepted punishment from a man but a part of me looked forward to it, they’d call me crazy. Charlotte would laugh at me, especially given what I’d been through less than a year before. However, as soon as I walked past him into the suite, I felt a sense of relief.

Maybe I wanted an excuse to cry my eyes out, releasing all the tension that had built up over the last two weeks since I’d arrived. I certainly felt lighter than before, my mind no longer a foggy mess of worry and fear. Would this single act change anything? No, of course not, but it would provide an entirely different kind of relief and that was very important to me.

I headed into the bedroom, taking a few seconds to admire the room itself. The furnishings were definitely meant for lovers, the king-sized bed covered in a stunning violet comforter, at least a half dozen fluffy pillows waiting for respite or something a little kinky.

As I kicked off my heels, unbuttoning my skirt, my mind drifted to images of the club and the way he’d presented several of the kinky acts. In doing so, I allowed a series of tingles to drift down the back of my legs. I wanted to experience everything with Jameson.

If only he would allow it.

I folded my skirt neatly, catching a glimpse of myself in the mirror while placing it on the dresser. I’d made myself a promise while still in Montana that no man would ever control me again. In doing so, I’d shut down my feelings, pretending that no one could ever hurt me again. That had only led to my assertive side taking over. While good in concept, I hadn’t been thinking things through lately. If at all.

What was I doing living in Miami? I doubted it would ever be my home.

As I slipped my fingers under the elastic of my thong, shimmying it down my legs, I realized I wanted more than anything to let go of the past.

With my panties on top of my skirt, I turned toward the bed, grabbing one of the pillows. There was something cathartic about lying across the bed, waiting for my own private hero to discipline me. I folded my arms under my chin, thinking about the events of the last few days. I’d managed to attract the attention of the worst kind of people. Who knew I was a shit magnet?

A nervous laugh bubbled to the surface. I hadn’t been lying across the pillow for ten seconds and I was already antsy. And nervous.

And excited.

The scent of my desire was strong, which also confused me. Perhaps it was true that with pain comes the ultimate pleasure.

After what seemed like several minutes had passed, I closed my eyes, trying to relax. It was nearly impossible to stop thinking about how sexy Jameson was or that with every touch, fire erupted all through my body.

I didn’t hear his footsteps, but I sensed his presence directly behind me. Then I heard rustling and tipped my head over my shoulder. He was gazing at me intently as he unfastened his belt. My mouth suddenly went dry as I realized he was going to use the thick leather on my backside.

A trickle of apprehension mixed with the rush of desire, the combination keeping my stomach in knots. His eyes never left me, dark and hooded as the afternoon sun dipped below the horizon. He seemed even more powerful than when I’d first met him, and not just because he’d challenged people intent on harming me. He exuded domination in the way he walked, the words he spoke and from the way he dealt with people.

It was easy to see he was comfortable in his skin, yet the sadness in him remained. He was beautifully dangerous in every aspect.

At times, I felt like a lost lamb when I was next to him. Other times, he allowed me to feel as if I could take on the world. And I’d only known him for a few days. No one else had such a profound effect on me.

Not my father.

Not any teachers.

And certainly not the pig I’d allowed to take my virginity.

He rolled a portion of the strap around his arm then pressed his hand on my back, caressing my skin. “I’m glad you asked for this. Some of your tension will be released.”

I wasn’t certain if he was right but at this point, I wanted nothing else as much. When he repositioned my legs, I pressed my face into the pillow.

The whooshing sound caught my attention, grabbing it with force. When he brought the belt against my backside, I jerked up from surprise, not from pain.

At least a full five seconds passed before he issued another strike, the strap slapping against my sit spot. Almost instantly I bent my knees, the reaction involuntary. That’s the moment explosive pain jetted through me like rocket fuel.

“Oh. My. God.” I clenched the bedding with enough force I yanked several inches.
