Page 96 of Demanded Submission

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“I don’t accept deals from someone who can’t provide me with opportunities.”

Without hesitation, I pulled out my weapon, pointing it at Grigori’s head. Everyone in the room whipped out their guns, ready to start a bloodbath. I was well aware of the risk I was taking but at the end of the day, the two rulers in the room were still businessmen with families. Today wasn’t a good day to die.

The quiet in the room was intense, pulses increasing. But I felt nothing inside, allowing my rage to fuel my actions in an entirely different way. I cocked my head, smiling at Grigori as he stood.

Then he slowly walked around the desk toward me, one of his men close behind. When the Pakhan was standing at the barrel end of my gun, he studied me for a full minute, searching my eyes while watching my body language. I’d played this game many times before, only without the weapon involved.

After another full minute, Grigori laughed then waved his soldiers down, requiring them to lower their weapons. “I will admit, Mr. Stark. I didn’t expect a man of your… stature and good nature to remain completely calm in the face of a crisis. You have balls, which is rare, and something I can respect. Bring the women into the office.”

His burly soldier looked at him strangely, huffing when he headed to another room following his Pakhan’s orders.

“What do you offer my colleague and me?” he continued.

“I’m curious about that myself, Jameson,” Santiago added.

I lowered my weapon, barely taking a breath then turning so both men could see me. “I took the liberty of putting together the information I have on both of you. As of this minute, it is poised to not only be handed over to someone in law enforcement I trust, but also to the press. I assure you I have colorful art to go along with substantial and proven allegations.”

“What do you want in return?” Grigori asked. “The women only?”

“Yes, but also your cooperation that both of you will steer clear of the pharmaceutical business. I’m certain you’re aware that because of mafia-related involvement, normal people are becoming addicted to painkillers, destroying their families. Children are dying. I doubt you want that on your conscience.”

Santiago burst into laughter. “I should have you along for every negotiation.”

Grigori shared in his amusement. “He is rather formidable. Isn’t he?” He walked even closer and I refused to move a muscle. “I admire your tactic, Mr. Stark, so much so that I will consider your offer. However,” he pressed as he lifted his hand, showing me his index finger, “you do not want to make an enemy out of either myself or my associate here.”

The thought of the two of them working together under any circumstances was amusing if nothing else. They’d be at each other’s throats again soon enough.

“I have no issue staying in my lane if you will in yours.”

Grigori seemed to like my answer. “Very well. Will you agree to these terms, Santiago?”

Santiago locked eyes with mine. “It would seem neither one of us have a choice. But if you betray either one of us, there won’t be a location on this earth where you can hide.”

“I’m an honorable man, Santiago. That’s something you should have learned by now.” I wasn’t certain how my reflection would affect me after today, but I would never regret my decision to risk my life in order to save the woman I loved.

The sound of the door drew his attention.

“They have not been harmed other than when one tried to escape. I apologize for marking her, Santiago. The woman you are infatuated with is fierce. So is yours, Mr. Stark. You should both consider yourselves lucky men.”

When Santiago got a look at Char’s bruised face, I was certain no one would leave the room alive. He cursed in Spanish, shoving Grigori across the room.

“Stop!” I shouted, waving my weapon from one side of the room to the other. Then I saw Alexandra’s terrified face and almost lost it myself. “We have come to an agreement. Period.”

“He’s right,” Grigori spit out. “Stand down, Santiago. I will promise you she will never be touched by one of my men again. You have my word.”

The tension was even higher, the testosterone level as well. When it seemed the agreement would stand, I lowered my weapon then headed toward the two women, who were still being held by guards. “Let them go.”

The soldiers didn’t react.

“Delay, kak on govorit!” Grigori snapped.

Do as he says.

Char was released, immediately running toward Santiago. I was surprised at the change in the man’s expression. He did care for her.

When the other soldier hesitated, I lifted my weapon again. The look in Alexandra’s eyes shifted from terror to anger. Then her personality took hold, blowing her rational mind out of the water. She stomped on the soldier’s foot.

The trained killer reacted as would anyone indoctrinated into the criminal world. He grabbed her around the throat, jerking her off her feet and placing the barrel of the weapon at her temple.
