Page 99 of Demanded Submission

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Now I had the man who I hoped would be my entire future.

My friend.

My boss.

My lover.

My master.



Jagger didn’t just enter my office, he swaggered in, the usual grin on his face. When he didn’t say anything right away, I glared at him. “What?”

“What do you mean, what? You know what.”

“No, I don’t think I do.”

He rolled his eyes. “I didn’t know you had it in you.”

“What exactly are we talking about?”

His snort almost made me laugh. “Taking on two crime syndicates singlehandedly. I didn’t know you were capable of such violence, but I was damn glad you were there.”

I allowed myself to laugh. “Part of the job.”

“Right. Well, I’ll tell you this. If you ever want to switch positions, I think I can get you a mercenary job with a couple buddies of mine from the Marines.”

“Uh. No, thank you. I have other interests.”

“The feisty woman who captured your heart?”


“It’s good to see you smile, buddy. Just don’t let all this lovey-dovey stuff keep you from business. We have two bachelorette parties coming in later this week.”

“Don’t remind me. That’s your baby, my friend.”

“Oh, now you throw the ladies in my direction.”

“Somehow, I don’t think you mind.”

He took a deep breath, rubbing his jaw. “Nope. You’re right. Does that mean you’re taking time off?”

“Soon. Very soon.” I thought about the letter from Pamela’s attorney still buried inside my desk. Avoiding it wasn’t going to make dealing with her thoughts or wishes any easier. I suspected it was an apology for the manner she’d chosen to break my heart.

Jagger nodded. “What do you want me to do with the information you gave me to send to the press?”

I’d already contacted the judge, backing down on my threats. For now. As long as he walked the straight and narrow, his secret was safe with me. “Place it in the safe.” Only my partners and Jagger had the code to the safe or knew what I kept inside. I had second copies of information and evidence I’d gleaned over the years at my house as well.

He looked at me for a few seconds then nodded. “Keep your friends close but your enemies closer?”

“Exactly.” While the alliance I’d made with both the Bratva and the cartel left a bad taste in my mouth, I had a feeling their assistance might prove helpful in the future.

As with all things, time would tell.

“What about the kid?” he asked.
