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I looked at my hands, large and calloused, years upkeeping a thousand year old castle and its worshippers.

When she looked at me this time there were tears in her eyes, I ached to hold her, but I knew she was a force to be reckoned with and would only push my comfort away.

“Well, I was not intimate with anyone but you. So, you tell me.”

I narrowed my eyes at her.


“I knew you wouldn’t believe me. Therefore, I need to take care of this my way.”

“And what does that mean? You will not hurt yourself?”

She stood, gathering her hair in a low braid, and then turning toward the doors.

“I should go.”

If she left me, I would not speak of the divine beauty that lay between her legs, no, I would only spread the word of her darkness, her egomania…her deceit. She was lying to me now.

“Do not leave me, please.”

She did not stop, did not even turn to see the bloodied tears on my face.

I had larger tasks to think of for now—the entire congregation for one. I had to honor the flock that followed me with full faith.

I couldn’t face the possibility that the Goddess I was in love with had been with another.

Not my Lilith…



Domenico always got what he wanted.

Even as children, before we were immortal monsters (because that’s exactly what we are—monsters) our parents fawned over him and his accomplishments. Darius and I were the second comers, the followers. We were encouraged to be like him, act like him…Domenico makes us proud, be like Dom.

My resentment towards him only strengthened even after The Turn. You see, it was a birthright of the Delesepps; once we turned thirty, we were given immortality. If we survived that long.

The canopy of the church was the only thing that insured we would never be discovered, a man of faith was the most powerful man to exist, and not one person would dare to say otherwise.

The day I found Lilith, she was nude, asleep andoh so remarkable.

I chose to follow our faith to the line; there was no pretending by me, no, not like Domenico pretended. The only difference was he wasso goodat pretending. It made me sick; it made meenvious. I simply could not live a life of lies, and when Lilith floated her way into our castle, I was in awe of every curve and peak of her body. Her lips puffed and pouty, her hair like that of a mermaid washed in from the sea. She emanated power, and I knew there was something strange about this woman. I had touched her while she slept, grazing over the soft mounds of her breasts, letting my breath gently hover on her cheeks as I smelled her deeply…like vanilla and sea air. I grew so hard in my trousers that I had to tug on the throb just to get it to stop.

I should’ve taken her. I should’ve had my way with her, thrown my vows to the wind andfinallyclaimed something as my own. I had eternity to spend here, so why should I not enjoy the carnal pleasures that my body was still able to?

I prayed in the small garden just outside of the castle, rows of flowers and olive trees, accompanied by cracked statues of The Virgin Mary and Arch Angel Michael. It was my favorite spot to pray, and the sunrise shone perfectly just before morning, beyond the grassy field to the left of our sprawling estate.

But tonight, Lilith fled, and I knew something was wrong, just by the way she clutched herself, her steps coming quicker as she reached the front gates.

I closed my eyes, giving a chasteAmenas I finished my prayers.

I quietly sidled up to the first gate post, making sure I was out of sight. I watched as she fled down the dirt driveaway, barefoot, with a long, white sheath swirling around her. Her hair trailed behind, a vision of ethereal beauty. I knew exactly what I needed to do. I would follow her, and make sure she never returned, could never make me or anyone else feel those vile delights of the flesh again, she was omnipotent and should be stopped.

I wanted her blood more than life, the vampire hidden inside me ever present, and I needed to figure out a way to keep her under my thumb.

I had heard of trapping demons with sigils, or a talisman, but I still needed to figure out how. The desire to keep her as my own overpowered my loud, logical side.
