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"Fuck, Maddie," Roland grunts, his breath hot against my ear. "You feel so good."

His words only spur me on, and I push back against him, seeking more of his rough touch. He slaps my ass, the sharp sound echoing through the room, and I gasp, my body clenching around him.

"Cum for me, baby," he growls, his fingers finding my clit and rubbing it in tight circles.

I scream his name as my orgasm hits, waves of pleasure coursing through me, and I feel Roland's body shuddering against mine as he spills himself inside me. Our bodies tremble with release, and at that moment, we are one–connected by more than just our tangled limbs and shared pleasure.

As we lay entwined, our breathing slowly returning to normal, I feel a sense of belonging that I haven't experienced in a very long time. The sex was so passionate, so filled with need, but now, only gentleness remains.

"Stay with me tonight," he murmurs, his voice soft and unguarded.

"Of course," I reply, letting myself be enveloped by his strong embrace, our hearts beating in sync as we drift into a peaceful slumber.


The warm glow of the twinkling Christmas lights casts a soft hue over Roland's lavish apartment, filling the space with a magical atmosphere. I can't believe it's been a year and a half since we first met. Time has flown by, and our love has only grown stronger.

"Hey," Roland calls out, his dark hair and olive-toned skin contrasting beautifully against the frosted window panes. "Hand me that ornament, would you?"

"Sure," I say, passing him a delicate glass snowflake. He reaches up, placing it on one of the higher branches of the tree. I watch as he steps back, taking in the whole scene with pride. There's something undeniably sexy about this commanding man getting into the holiday spirit.

"Perfect," he murmurs, wrapping an arm around my waist and pulling me close. "What do you think, Maddie?"

I tilt my head, admiring our handiwork. "It's stunning, just like everything else in this apartment."

He chuckles warmly. "Well, I certainly couldn't have done it without your help."

"Happy to oblige," I reply, resting my head on his shoulder. It's hard to imagine that the first night I met him, I thought him rude… though he still has moments when he’s brash. Even so, I couldn't picture my life without him.

"Speaking of helping," he says, raising an eyebrow, "how are your plans for the yoga studio coming along?" He’s been away traveling for a week, and I haven’t yet filled him in.

"Really well, actually," I respond, excitement bubbling within me. "I've found the perfect location, and I'm working on finalizing the lease. Once that's settled, I can start designing the space and hiring staff."

"Sounds like you've got it all under control," he says, genuine admiration in his eyes. "I can't wait to see you thrive in your new venture."

"Thanks, Roland," I say, feeling a surge of gratitude for his unwavering support. "I couldn't have done it without you."

"Of course," he replies, pressing a soft kiss to my temple. He spoke to some friends interested in investing in smaller businesses and helped me get investors. We both agreed that he shouldn’t invest himself, but he has helped me a lot with the business side of things. "Now, there's one last thing we need to do before this tree is complete."

"What's that?" I ask, curious.

"Ah-ah," he chides playfully, wagging a finger at me. "It's a surprise. Close your eyes."

"OK," I agree, reluctantly closing my eyes. I hear him rummage around in the nearby box of decorations before everything goes quiet. Then, I feel his strong hands on my shoulders as he guides me a few steps forward.

"Open your eyes," he whispers, his breath warm against my ear.

When I open them, I'm met with the sight of our beautiful tree, now adorned with an exquisite star perched on the highest branch. The lights reflect off its glittering surface, casting little rainbows all over the room.

"Roland," I breathe, awed. "It's incredible."

"Only the best for our first Christmas together," he says softly, his voice filled with emotion. And as we stand there, wrapped up in each other and the magic of the season, I know that this is only the beginning of our story.

A few hours later, the scent of cinnamon and nutmeg fills the air as I watch Damien and Carmen play by the fireplace, their laughter like music to my ears. My heart swells with happiness as I see how close they've become over the past year, their bond as strong as any siblings'.

"Hey, Maddie," Roland calls from the kitchen. "Can you help me set the table?"

"Sure," I reply, tearing my gaze away from the kids and heading into the dining area.
