Page 69 of Zero

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“Jet. Will you marry me?”

Jet blinked at Walker.

Jack leaned close to whisper, “Freakout incoming.”

“What?” Jet screeched. “Are you serious? You can’t be serious.”

Jet started pacing, grabbing his hair while he kept repeating, “Ohmygod. Ohmygod.”

“Baby,” Walker said and stood, grabbing Jet first by the arm, then when he stood still, he cupped his cheek. “Take a breath, baby.”

Jet sucked in a loud breath.

“Are you serious?” Jet whispered, his voice trembling.

Walker nodded. “I am. I’ve wanted to put a ring on your finger since the day we met.”

“The hell are you waiting for then?” Jet asked and held up his left hand causing everyone to laugh.

Walker chuckled and placed the ring on Jet’s finger, then was nearly knocked over when Jet jumped into his arms.

Walker caught him and Jet wrapped his legs around Walker’s hips and kissed him deeply. They looked so damn happy and they deserved that and so much more.

He’d been ring shopping with Walker and the second Walker had spotted that white-gold band with a row of diamonds all the way around, he’d been sold. It was a beautiful ring that symbolized a beautiful union.

The kind of union he hoped he and Jack would have. One day.


He caught Zero looking at Walker and Jet with an almost melancholy look.

“Nuh-uh.” He tugged on Zero’s shirt until the man turned toward him. “I know that look. I will marry you.”

Zero’s eyes went wide, and he stammered out, “I-I uh… I didn’t ask?”

Jack shook his head.

“You were thinking that nobody would want to marry you.”

Zero’s expression softened and he nibbled on his bottom lip.

“Actually, I was thinking that nobody would be crazy enough to marry me. Except you.”

Jack grinned at Zero and tugged the man closer so he could slam his mouth over his.

“Damn right I am,” he growled against Zero’s lips. “I’ll get you a ring.”

“Jack,” Zero breathed.

Jack nodded. “I’ll get you a ring and ask you properly because this isn’t a question.”

He moved closer and cupped Zero’s face in his hands, staring into his eyes and seeing the love he felt reflected right back at him.

“You belong with me, and I will marry you. You may think you’re not good enough, that you don’t deserve it, but you do. You’re more than good enough. You may not be perfect—”

Zero snorted out a laugh that had Jack grinning at him.

“You may not be perfect,” he continued, “but you’re perfect for me.”

Zero put his hands over Jack’s and said, “You’re just perfect.”

“Far from it,” Jack said with a shake of his head. He leaned close, brushing his lips across Zero’s before he said, “But I’ll take it.”

“I love you. No matter what, I need you to know that in here,” he said and placed a hand on Zero’s chest, right over his heart.

“I think I do,” Zero said.


“I love you.” Zero pressed his lips to Jack’s in a soft kiss, then pulled back and met his gaze. “And my answer is yes, I’ll marry you, question or not.”
