Page 37 of Steel

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He scrolled further down, and an article caught his eye. A bill had gone through the day he should’ve died. It was clear now why Briggs had wanted the man dead. It had been personal. He figured the senator would’ve held the deciding vote. That bill would’ve fucked up Briggs’ business. The legal one that wasn’t so legal after all.

Briggs owned a casino and hotel along with a few nightclubs, but they were all a front. His whole family was heavily involved in all kinds of shady things. They were a crime family hiding in plain sight. He wasn’t even sure the feds suspected anything.

From what he gleaned of that bill, once in effect, it would make it a whole lot harder for Briggs’ criminal part of his business to go unnoticed.

He put his phone down with a sigh. At least he knew Briggs’ part in this shit show, but he still needed to figure out Isaac’s part.

He drove off toward the one place he should’ve avoided like the plague. It was the last place anyone would expect him to go because it was incredibly stupid, but, according to his friends, he was already a moron. Now he was just a suicidal moron. All for a chance of love. Urgh. He was disgusting. Love was disgusting. Why did it have such power over him?

Steel’s blue eyes flashed before him.

Urgh. Fucking Steel and his electric blue eyes and his soft touch and his growly voice and…

Concentrating on not driving off the road was probably important. Probably. So, he shoved down those thoughts and prepared himself for entering a warzone alone and outgunned.

He was definitely a moron.

Chapter Eleven


HIS BROTHER was right. He needed to find Kai and fast. He needed to get him somewhere safe. But how the fuck was he gonna do that when he didn’t know where to start looking? He didn’t even know where he lived or who he’d worked for.

Who would know where to find him?

Kai’s friend might know.

He had Hawk’s number in his phone from when Kai had called him. He found the number and dialed it, wincing when he realized it was a video call. He knew shit all about sign language so if Hawk’s husband answered, he wasn’t sure how to tell him he needed to talk to Hawk.

Relief flooded him when it was Hawk’s face that appeared on the screen.

“Steel? What’s wrong?”

He took a deep breath.

“He left.”

Hawk blinked at him, then his brows snapped into a deep frown.

“He what? Is he out of his mind?”

“I… I don’t know why he left.”

Before Hawk could say anything, the side of someone’s head appeared on the screen. His husband, he assumed. Hawk adjusted the phone so they were both on screen.

The husband looked straight at Steel and asked, “Did you fuck?”

Steel’s jaw dropped. He hadn’t expected the guy to talk, but his words were as much a shock.

“What’s that matter?” he asked.

Hawk’s husband scrunched up his nose, then glanced at Hawk for a second before looking back at Steel.

“Someone like Kai? Who’s pretty much cut emotions out of his life? If it got too real for him, he might’ve run.”

His throat dried out in an instant.

“You’re saying he felt too much?”
