Page 45 of Steel

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Jace chuckled, then said, “That’s just what they call us old men and old ladies.”

A lump formed in Kai’s throat in seconds.

He did know what that meant. Elijah was Nic’s old man. His husband.

“Wait wait. Hold on.” He turned toward Jace. “Are you saying the thing you all voted on was me being Steel’s old man?”

Jace blinked at him, a look of horror flashing across his face for a second before he contained it. He very cautiously asked, “Did he not… tell you?”

Kai cleared his throat, gaze landing on Steel again.

“He did. Kinda.”

“Oh,” Jace said with a relieved sigh. “Good.”

Kai’s thoughts were spinning. Steel had claimed him as his? Had they really gone from ‘you almost killed my brother’ to basically being married? Or… had Steel only done that so his club would help him? That’s what he’d said, right? Because Kai was a part of the club now, that meant they had to help him.

“Why do you look pissed? Shit. Was it something I said?” Jace asked, worrying his bottom lip.


Did he storm out of there with the rage of a scorned teenage girl? Yes. Was he embarrassed about it? Fuck, no.

On his way to the door, he slammed into a guy in the hallway.

“Oh. Sorry, man.”

The guy waved him off, not knowing Kai was mostly sorry that he’d snatched his keys out of his pocket. He headed outside and sifted through the keys, relieved to find a car key. He pressed the fob and headed for what looked like a work van.

He reached for the handle, then instantly whirled around only to get pressed up against the door.

“I thought you didn’t run,” Steel teased, his voice husky.

“Fuck you,” Kai snapped.


He wriggled against Steel but realized he’d have to hurt him in order to get free and he just… couldn’t.

“How could you not tell me? Or ask me?”

Steel’s smile slipped, his voice low as he said, “I didn’t know. My brother went to them, which I think we can agree is pretty fucking big of him considering the history.”

Kai clenched his jaw tight and kept glaring at Steel.

“He wants me to be happy and he knew that meant keeping you safe. Because you make me happy.”

Kai shook his head, something burning suspiciously at the corner of his eyes.

“I don’t—”

“I’m in love with you.” Steel brushed his fingers across Kai’s cheek in a feather-light touch. “I didn’t want to be. I tried to think of all the awful things you’ve done, but none of it matters. All that matters to me is right here, right now.”


“You don’t have to,” Steel said, disappointment in his gaze as he started to move back.

Kai grabbed him by the front of his shirt and pulled him back.
