Page 50 of Steel

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He got up from the couch, giving Kai a smile before walking toward the hallway. He peeked into the meeting room, finding Ares, Diesel, and Chris inside talking. He knew he needed to thank them for doing this for him. When he’d called his brother last night, he’d thanked him, then yelled at him for going over his head. Again. He’d heard Trina cackling in the background the whole time. All his brother had said was, “You’re welcome.”

“Hey, guys,” he said and stepped into the room.

The three of them looked up at him.

“I just wanted to thank you,” he said, but before he could continue, he was cut off by Ares’ phone ringing.

Ares answered and within seconds, Steel’s hackles went up. Ares held up a finger to let them know to be quiet, then put his phone on speaker.

“You seem like a reasonable man, Ares. Hand him over and no one else has to die for his mistakes.”

He didn’t know the voice, but he didn’t have to. It was Isaac. Had to be.

“And if I refuse?” Ares asked.

“Well.” Isaac clicked his tongue. “Let’s just say that your little clubhouse will be reduced to rubble.”

Steel’s heart was beating like crazy as anger flooded him. It was pure luck that he managed to keep his mouth shut because all he wanted was to tell Isaac exactly how he felt about the asshole.

“I’ll think about it,” Ares said and hung up.

He dug his nails into the palms of his hands, his jaw clenched tight. He was barely keeping it together.

“I’ll go.”

Steel whirled around to find Kai in the doorway, a grim look on his face.

“Like hell you are,” he snapped.

He wasn’t losing him. Not now. Not ever.

“Guys, would you give us a minute?” Kai asked, looking at the men on either side of Steel.

He was grinding his teeth while glaring at Kai as the others left the room. Once the door closed, Kai stepped closer.

“No,” Steel growled, stopping Kai in his tracks. “You’re not going.”

Kai closed the distance between them in a heartbeat and wrapped his arms around Steel who was rigid against him at first, but Kai’s warmth and soft voice had him sighing and melting against him.

“We’ll be alright,” Kai said.

“I can’t lose you.”

Kai leaned back in his arms and cocked a brow at him.

“I don’t plan on dying.”

“Who does?”


Kai gave him a soft smile.

“I don’t want to go, but we need proof of what Isaac did, and what’s better than a confession?”

Steel frowned at Kai.

“I thought we weren’t doing that?”
