Page 6 of Steel

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“Why the fuck didn’t it go off?”

“There must have been something wrong with the device,” Kai said, arching a brow at him.

Briggs’ guys had procured the bomb. Kai had just made a tiny alteration before activating it.

“To hell with the bomb. Go take care of it,” Briggs ordered.

Kai didn’t move. “Can’t. It has to be a mass casualty.”

“He just needs to be dead before two.”

Kai frowned at Briggs. That was new information.

“Is there something you haven’t told me?”

“I don’t have to tell you shit.”

“How am I supposed to carry out a job without all the information? Do you want your employees to fail?”

“If you still wanna be an employee, I suggest you get your ass down there and fucking kill him.”

Kai still didn’t move. He was done taking orders from that narcissistic sociopath.

“Fuck this,” Briggs growled and threw up his hands. “I’ll just put a bullet in him myself.”

“I can’t let you do that,” Kai said.

Briggs gave him a seething look and said, “You think you can stop me?”

Kai unholstered his gun, aimed it at the man’s head, and pulled the trigger.

Briggs’ body hit the floor with a loud thud. Someone might’ve heard that. Shit.

Kai dropped his head forward and cursed.

He needed to get the fuck out of there and fast, so why the hell couldn’t he move? He’d been killing people for money for so fucking long that this should’ve been a walk in the park. Granted, none of those other kills had put him on his boss’ shitlist.

He needed to clean the scene and he had no fucking time to do it in. He didn’t need the cops looking for him, too. Not that it would help with Isaac. He’d sent Briggs to him. He would know that it was him.

He was absolutely and utterly fucked now.

He was gonna need help. There was no way he could get through this alone. Not if he wanted to survive.

Chapter Three


HE STEPPED through the door to his apartment and the hair at the back of his neck rose. He continued inside as he usually would while discreetly unholstering his gun.

As he stepped into the living room, the lamp by the couch turned on. Steel aimed his gun at the man on his couch and even though he sighed when he saw who it was, he kept his gun trained on him.

“What are you doing here?”

Kai cocked his head to the side, a hungry look in his eyes as they roamed over Steel.

“I forgot how sexy you are,” Kai purred. “I would’ve waited for you in my birthday suit if that wouldn’t have made you kill me.”

“Good choice.”

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