Page 62 of Steel

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“You’re alive.”

Kai scrunched up his face and said, “Sound happy about it, why don’t you?”

“You’re both idiots,” Tony said and gave Steel a look of disapproval. “And you need to stop getting shot.”

Unfortunately, his brother wasn’t wrong. He’d already gotten shot twice this year. They’d gotten into quite a mess. Shit. They were idiots. He just wasn’t certain which one of them was the biggest.

He looked across the room at Kai and figured he was the biggest idiot for ever agreeing to that stupid plan and letting Kai go. He’d almost lost him and for what? He didn’t care if they had to run and hide. Not as long as he had Kai by his side. They could figure everything else out along the way. The most important thing was that Kai was alive. Nothing else mattered.

Tony walked over and dropped the ice pack next to Steel’s leg.

“Hey,” Kai croaked out.

Tony turned toward Kai.

“Thank you.”

Tony shook his head and stepped closer. Steel pushed himself up to have a better view of the two.

“You don’t owe me anything, Kai. You never did,” Tony said.

“But I almost killed you,” Kai said, confusion clear in his voice.

“There’s no almost. You decided not to, and not only that, but you helped save Trina.” Tony put his hand over Kai’s that was lying on top of his blanket. “We’re good.”

Kai nodded and Steel felt an intense sense of relief.

He watched his brother walk out of the room and swung his legs over the side of his bed and slid down, wincing when his feet hit the floor. He humped the few feet to Kai’s bed.

“Scoot over.”

Kai grunted but made room for Steel.

He lifted Kai’s blanket and crawled under it, pressing his body up against Kai’s. He felt Kai’s sigh to his core. Touching Kai soothed his soul.

He brushed Kai’s hair out of his eyes and pressed a soft kiss to his forehead. Kai looked up at him with tired eyes.

“I’m here. Get some sleep.”

They both needed it, but he’d stay awake for Kai. He knew his brothers were keeping watch over them and wouldn’t let anyone get near Kai, but he also knew the people who still had a hit out on Kai weren’t to be messed with. If they had learned of Isaac’s death, he was certain they would work harder to get to Kai, but he’d be damned if he let anyone take Kai from him. He’d die before he let anyone hurt him.

Chapter Seventeen


THEY WERE back to hiding out and while he appreciated any time he got with Steel, having the man’s brother and sister-in-law fussing over them wasn’t exactly… helpful. Two weeks of pain and no sex wasn’t really good for morale. Sleeping in Steel’s arms had been wonderful but also torture at the same time.

Trina’s cooking, though? It was so good it had made him declare his undying love for her and he’d jokingly told her to run away with him. The brothers hadn’t protested until she’d grabbed his hand and tugged him toward the front door. He’d never seen anyone get up as fast as those two did. Tony had pulled Trina away from him while making an I’m-watching-you gesture. He was pretty sure that had been the first time they’d all laughed since moving into the safehouse. They’d all been tense and not just because him and Steel had been close to dying, but because they were all still in danger.

Loud voices caught his attention and he headed into the kitchen where he found Tony and Steel, both with their arms crossed as they talked.

“The swelling has gone down enough,” Tony said to Steel.

“But it doesn’t really hurt anymore so is it necessary? I’d rather stay,” Steel said and threw a quick glance Kai’s way.

Kai rolled his eyes.

“I’m perfectly safe here. You should go.”
