Page 9 of Steel

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Steel grunted. “Don’t thank me yet. I still haven’t decided if I’m gonna shoot you or not.”

Kai felt his lips quirking up at the corners.


This wasn’t a call he wanted to make but the desperate look in Kai’s eyes had him pulling out his phone and dialing Ares’ number. It rang a few times before Ares’ rumbling voice came over the phone.

“Steel? What’s up?”

He sighed before saying, “Hey. I need a favor.”

“What’s wrong?”

“Kai’s in trouble.”

The silence was almost deafening.

Ares cleared his throat before saying, “Kai?”

“Yeah. Remember the assassin sent to kill my brother and Trina?”

“I remember. I just don’t understand why you’re asking for favors for him.”

He didn’t understand himself, either.

He glanced over at Kai who was on his couch, feet on the coffee table while he pretended to be studying his nails very closely even though they both knew he was listening to Steel and Ares’ conversation.

“I just need to get him to one of our safehouses and get him a new identity,” Steel said. “He’s got a hit out on him.”

“In that case, he should stay the fuck away,” Ares said, annoyance in his voice.

Before Steel could say anything, he heard low talking in the background, and then Ares cursed under his breath.

“Fuck. Fine,” Ares said. “Gimme a sec to figure this out.”

“Tell Jace I said thank you.”

Ares muttered something under his breath before hanging up.

“So?” Kai asked, appearing right next to Steel and making him jump.

“Jesus fucking Christ. Don’t do that.”

Kai gave him a cheeky smile.

Steel shook his head and shoved his phone into his back pocket.

“You got clothes? Supplies?”

Kai shook his head. “I came straight here.”

“Straight here?”

Kai rolled his eyes and said, “I wasn’t followed. I’m a fucking pro or did you forget?”

“That’s pretty fucking hard to forget,” Steel said and gave Kai a scathing look.
