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“You’re still a mystic. You just practice from a classroom instead of an altar,” Nelson said as he swayed closer and lowered.

Nox wrinkled his nose. “I’m fine with just being a teacher. Piety has never appealed to me and I don’t want acolytes.” He wound his hand in Nelson’s tie and pulled, offering his lips. “I like working with you and putting the things I’ve learned to good use. I’d rather save lives, not sacrifice them for the harvest,” he joked, earning another dry snort. It feathered against his lips as Nelson’s gaze became heavy and unfocused.

“Is this all you think about?”

“Around you, yes,” Nox confirmed. “The mysteries of your body will always enthrall me more than spells and cults. Bet you’re thinking about it now, too.”

Nelson nodded faintly, his lips brushing against Nox’s. “Because all I think about is you, now.” They kissed, their lips parting on soft moans so their tongues could slide and swirl hungrily. Nelson’s hand curled around Nox’s and there was a surge of heat and energy. “What is that?” He asked, wrenching his lips free so he could search their hands.

“I don’t know,” Nox replied with another shrug. He set his palm on Nelson’s and the warmth returned and the bed began to vibrate. “Remember Mr. Columb and his theory about the harp. He believed the myths contained a prophecy and that it was Uaithne who was seeking the Dagda so they could be reunited and rise again.”

Nelson’s brow shot up dubiously. “The harp’s supposed to help him rise? I thought we didn’t want that.”

“You’re already helping me rise…” Nox noted, grinning mischievously and nipping on Nelson’s lower lip. “The thing about prophecies is that you can ignore them and let them go unfulfilled. What if we were just lovers and I helped you catch bad guys in between spreading love and knowledge to the next generation of young anthropologists?”

“That would be…fine.”

“Fine, indeed.”

But Nox was overjoyed as Nelson settled over him, pushing the covers out of the way so there was nothing between them. They tore at his clothes until he was naked and Nelson was ravenous as his lips and tongue lapped at Nox’s. His hands gripped and squeezed, exploring and claiming as Nelson licked Nox’s face, neck, and chest.

“You never let me touch you,” Nelson growled, biting Nox’s shoulder and sucking.

“What are you talking about? I’ve wanted this for days. I thought I would die, I wanted this so bad.” A ragged sob burst from Nox as his thighs were parted and Nelson’s thumb swept into the cleft, over his hole.

“Can I taste you here, plea—?”

“Yes!” Nox grabbed Nelson’s hair and his shoulder and pushed, scooting higher and spreading his legs wider. He was all too happy to let Nelson taste and take whatever he pleased. “All of me! It all belongs to you!” He had felt it and had been trying to tell Nelson for days. Now, Nox was ecstatic to finally be able to show him. “Anything you want, Nelson. I’m yours.”

“Mine.” Nelson’s growl rolled through Nox like a wave, breaking in his heart and filling it with brilliant heat. Love like he hadn’t felt since he was a child spilled through Nox, taking him back home as he let Nelson in. Safety and pure love blended with the lust surging in his veins, making Nox cry as Nelson feasted, licking and sucking with wild abandon. “I begged for this, Nox. My soul screamed to touch you and taste you, but you wouldn’t let me.” His tongue drilled at Nox’s hole, making him claw at the awful polyester bedspread.

“Oh, gods! That doesn’t sound like me at all!” His back came off the bed as Nelson raised his head and nuzzled Nox’s sac, tugging tenderly with his lips.

“It was you but this is better. I need to taste you. Please, Nox.” Nelson took Nox deep into his throat, sucking hard as a finger traced and nudged his hole.

“Hold on!” Nox rose on an elbow. “My bag. Is my bag…?” He prayed it wasn’t in the car. “We need lube and maybe condoms?” He asked hesitantly.

Nelson reached over the side of the bed and the mattress dipped when he dropped the bag next to Nox. “You said you couldn’t go anywhere without it so I brought it. I don’t want a condom,” he added simply.

“I love you!” Nox blurted, then bit down on his lips. “I’m sorry,” he whispered. “Is that too soon because…” He decided he didn’t care and flipped the flap back and unzipped the hidden pocket. “You already know,” he said, shoving a packet of lube at Nelson.

“I know.” Nelson nodded, looking pensive as he licked his lips. “I don’t know what this is with us. Nothing like this has ever happened to me, but I…do too.”

Nox kissed him wildly, then fell back. “I know. Where were you?” He asked hopefully.

“Heaven,” Nelson replied. He was focused as he tore the packet open and curious about the slickness of the lube as he rubbed his fingers together. Then, he greedily wrapped his lips around the end of Nox’s shaft while sliding two fingers into his hole. They reached deep, curving and striking his prostate, causing Nox’s jaw to stretch and his eyes to cross.

“Where did you learn that?” He asked shakily as he raised his head to look down at Nelson. “You never think about this.”

“You taught me.” Nelson purred the words against Nox’s shaft as a third finger twisted into his core, stretching him and winding him tighter.

Nox nodded jerkily, gasping for air. “Now, that does sound like me.” He screamed when Nelson sucked hard, forcing a burst of cum from Nox and stealing his breath and his senses. He was still reeling when Nelson rose over him and filled Nox to the hilt with a smooth, driving thrust. Nelson dug in with his knees, lifting Nox’s ass off the bed. “More!” Nox begged as he used his arms and legs to pull Nelson closer and deeper.

“You’re so good, Nox!” Nelson’s lips locked around Nox’s, his kiss starving and desperate as his hips pumped harder and faster. “Never felt anything this…good.”

They were one. Complete as their bodies and souls fused and ignited. Nox could feel the sun’s rays outside the windows, creeping over the horizon as his hands slid under Nelson’s. Nox felt Nelson’s orgasm building like it was his own as their fingers intertwined.

“Now!” Nox cried, locking a leg around Nelson’s hip as he bucked hard.
