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“Fuck Alex,” Gaby says. “It’s none of his business. You’re not fourteen. He’s been protective of you, but you’re old enough to know what—or who—you want now, right?”

“I guess.”

“You need to up your game, girl,” Aroha states.

“I don’t know how. I’m hopeless.”

“You’re a law student,” Juliette scolds, “so you’re hardly hopeless. Fake it till you make it, right?”

It’s exactly what Jo told me, and I remember thinking that maybe people treated me as if I was eighteen because I act like it. Juliette’s right. I’m soon to be a lawyer, so I’m hardly an idiot. I’m nearly twenty-two. I can seduce a guy, surely?

“Juliette,” Gaby says, “grab that pad of paper, will you? And there’s a pencil underneath. Thanks.” She opens the pad up and turns it to a blank sheet. “We’re going to make a list.”

“Of what?”

“Ways to seduce a man,” Gaby says. “We’ll get you the guy, don’t worry.”

“Oh jeez.”

Aroha waves her glass, and I top them all up with the bottle, splashing a bit over the side. “I wonder how the guys are doing?” she asks as I mop it up with a piece of kitchen towel.

“I asked Damon about half an hour ago,” I reply. “He sent me a drunk emoji. I asked him if he missed me, and this is what he texted back.” I pull the message up and show them.

“Are you being an angel?” Gaby translates.

“No, he meant: Are you being a good girl? I sent him the devil emoji, and he sent back a hand and a peach.”

They all squeal. “We’ve totally got to make this work,” Juliette says, laughing.

“Come on then,” Gaby says. “Let’s brainstorm. Ways to seduce a man.”

“Go commando,” Aroha replies. “Never fails.”

We all giggle. Then Gaby says, “No, you’re thinking too far ahead. You’re on step seven. We need to come up with things Belle can do to get him interested.”

“Clothing’s important, though,” Aroha persists.

“If you’re going to tell me to prance around in a mini skirt and boob tube, you can forget it,” I tell them.

“Actually, it’s not about showing skin,” Juliette says. “Seducing a guy is all about the mystery. I mean, yeah, your physical appearance captures his attention, but it’s your personality that captures their heart and seduces their mind.”

“I like that,” I say softly, and she smiles.

“You always wear jeans and tees or baggy sweatshirts,” Gaby states. “You need something that flatters your figure. What are you wearing tomorrow to the rehearsal dinner?”

“Actually, I borrowed a dress from my friend,” I inform her. “It’s really nice and it clings in all the right places.”

“Well, that’s a good start,” Juliette says. “And your hair? Men love it when you let your hair down.”

“Mine’s really fluffy.”

“You can borrow my conditioner,” Gaby says. “And I’ll bring my curler that gives you all these boho waves.”

“If you like, I’ll come over and help you with your makeup,” Aroha suggests. She’s a beautician, and her makeup is always immaculate and beautifully done.

“Really?” I feel the first swell of hope that they might actually be able to make me look presentable.

“What else can we add to the list?” Gaby asks, nibbling the end of the pencil.
