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His eyes light up and he drops the roses back into the car. “That’s right,” he mutters, stalking back toward me. “You don’t, do you?”

“And here I was thinking you were going soft on me now that we’re in this relationship situation.”

“I could never go soft on my bitch.” He cups the side of my head, his fingers sinking in my hair, and pulls me into him. “In fact, tonight, I plan to go very, very hard on you.” He tilts my head back, his mouth by my ear, and adds, “On both your mouth and your pussy. I hope you’re ready.”

“That depends. Are you buying me dinner first?”

“McDonald’s does not count as dinner.”

“You said dinner. You didn’t say you wanted a restaurant dinner, or a Chinese dinner, or a sushi dinner, so we’re having a McDonald’s dinner.” He grins at me.

“But it’s not dinnertime. It’s lunch.”

“It could be breakfast as long as I get a blow job.” His grin widens and he leans over to speak into the mic. “Hi, can I have a large Big Mac meal with a Coke and a Quarter Pounder bacon cheeseburger but without all the gherkins and onions and a strawberry milkshake?”

My half-amused, half-annoyed stare turns shocked. “How the hell do you know what I order at McDonald’s?”

“I don’t. I took a lucky guess that you order exactly the same as Dayton.”

She’s my best friend and marrying his cousin, but it bugs me that he knows her better than me.

Is that irrational?

Fuck. It is.

I mentally slap myself. Pull your shit together, Olivia.

My phone rings as we drive to the next window and Nana’s name blinks onscreen. Um?

“Nana? Is everything okay?”

“You said you were going to call me, and then you didn’t, you wombat!”

Wombat? “Okay, one, it’s only been, like, three days, and two, you told me not to call you because I’d just piss you off!”

Tyler looks at me with raised eyebrows and a half grin.

“You know what pisses me off? You not calling when you said you would,” Nana replies.

“You sound like a teenage girl who fucked up her date.”

“Whatever, Olivia. Did you sort your shit out?”

I smile. “Yes, Nana. I sorted my shit out.”

“Good.” Silence for a moment. “Did you need something? I thought I told you not to call me because you’d piss me off.”

I take a deep breath. “No, Nana. I just wanted to check if you were okay.”

“Good. Don’t call me again, you dingbat.”

“Okay. I’ll remember not to call you again.”

“You better. Did you make up with that boy?”

I close my eyes this time. “Yes, Nana. I made it up with Tyler.”

“Good. Don’t call me again. Goodbye, Olivia. Love you.”
