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“Okay,” I reply, tucking it into my purse. “At least that’s done. Are the menus going to the designer now?”

Dayton nods and pulls her laptop open on the bar. “I’ll type it up now and send it all to her. She’ll work on them tonight so you can look it over and send it to the printer tomorrow. I’ll CC you into the email.”

I blink at her as she types furiously at the keyboard. “Are you a trainee photographer or working for your fiancé?”

She laughs. “Bit of both. Apart from my day at college, the photographer thing is pretty much random. I don’t go on all Tyler’s shoots with him, so I have a lot of free time. I can’t deal with nothing to do, so I do the little things that bug him—like sending emails like this.”

“I see.”

“And I prefer working with him, not for him.” She winks. “Okay. Done. Now talk.”

“About what exactly?”

“Have you met Tessa yet?”

I see where this is going. “Yes, I met Tessa. It was…awkward.”

Day clicks her pen. “Awkward because you were naked or because you freaked?”

“Ohhhh,” I groan, dropping my forehead to the bar. “Both. Both.”

I explain the day she walked through the door when I was basically naked—both times—and about Tyler’s bold proclamation that led to my freak-out. I’m getting irate as I talk about it. I can feel my chest tightening, and I might slam my fist against the bar a couple of times. Might.

“And then, there’s a fucking toothbrush in my bathroom this morning,” I finish and take a deep breath. I am so not over that toothbrush thing. At all.

“So what? Is he moving in one little object at a time? A toothbrush here, a dirty sock there?”

If I find a single dirty man-sock in my apartment, I will strangle him with it. I tell her as much.

“Well…” She pauses.

“Go on.”

“Uh, no. Never mind.”

“Dayton Black, talk right the hell now.”

She flips me the bird then sighs. “Look, maybe this is how it’s supposed to be. Maybe you guys are supposed to move fast because a whirlwind luuuhhh—relationship,” she corrects herself, “is the only way either of you will accept more than one night.”

Her words ring true. Too true. I meet her eyes for a second before looking away again.

Fuck. Give Ms. Love Cynic a ring on her finger and she really does turn into Seattle’s resident love guru. Give me a break.

“You’ll be pleased to know that I finally booked your bachelorette weekend,” I say, knowing it’ll get her off the topic of my relationship.

“No shit?”

I grin. “Next weekend. You, me, Tessa, right?”

She nods. “Monique has to manage the girls and Aunt Leigh is on vacation with her new boyfriend. I can’t believe you actually booked it. For next weekend like I wanted?”

I examine my nails. “I may have dropped Aaron’s name into one or two phone calls.” I glance up and smirk.

“Of course you did.” She smiles and stands, grabbing her purse. “I’m going to go and get the last of the stuff we need to make the wedding favors this weekend.”

Oh God, no.

“Remind me why you aren’t hiring someone to do this for you?”
