Page 233 of The Luna Duet

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He made me feel like a queen.

Like a goddess full of unimaginable power.

I hadn’t planned on being the one to take him. But there, sitting above him, holding him at my mercy, a heavy wash of gratefulness filled me.

He gave me that mercy out of respect and love. He could overpower me in a second. He could prove that, for all of society’s conditioning that females and males were equal, when it came to brute force, most of us...weren’t.

In a way, we were stronger.

Stronger because we held the hearts of beasts and men. We could make them kneel for a kiss and beg for a single word. With his heart-given submission, Aslan gave me back my trust in myself and my hips drifted forward and back, forward and back. Stroking him, tormenting him, sending me headfirst into the drunken power he’d given me.

He groaned long and low, the tendons in his neck standing out starkly, his face etched with restraint. “You’re going to break me...aren’t you, karicigim?”

I grinned, embracing the thrilling sensation of ruling him. “Would that be so bad?”

“Yes. Bad. Very bad.” He squirmed a little beneath me. “Give me time to get myself together. Let me pleasure you, Neri. Come higher.” His eyes glinted with wicked welcome. “Sit on my face and let me break you apart before you break me.”

Running my hand down his carved chest, I sat a little taller and wrapped my fingers around his cock.

He flinched as a stream of curses tumbled from his lips. “Neri—”


“You do this, and I’m done. I’ll be the worst husband in the world because I’ll blow as—FUCK.” He snarled like a savage as I angled his rock-hard cock and inserted him an inch inside me.

His entire body broke out in trembles. “Please, Neri...wait—”

I sank over him.

His vicious growl made my hair stand on end and nipples pucker into stones.

“Fucking hell, wife.” His hand dropped from my cheek to my hip, digging his fingernails into me. “Never imagined. Never dreamed you’d feel like this—”

“Like what?” I whispered as I sat inch by delicious inch.

My body had no memory of being abused by Ethan. The bruises on my wrists didn’t ache. The burns on my ankles didn’t sting. Every part of me was here. With Aslan. Humming and thrumming, coming alive in ways it never had before.

“Like fucking everything,” he gasped. “You are everything to me. My air. My blood. My bones. I-I can’t breathe. I can’t think. I can’t—” Another stream of curses cut him off as my body adjusted to his impressive size, and I kept sinking.

I took him piece by piece. I took him deep. I claimed him forever as mine.

And when my clit rubbed against the base of him, I let out a cry full of healing.

By claiming him, I claimed myself.

I was free.

His hand pulsed like a lion’s paw on my hipbone, his claws unsheathed and branding me. Our linked fingers sweated and cramped with how strongly we held each other.

Seeing Aslan gasping and sweaty beneath me made my heart grow wings and soar.

Bracing myself against his hand, I let instinct roll through me, giving myself to the primal dance of fucking.

Aslan’s chest shot off the sand as I rocked once. His face scrunched up with agony as sweat beaded on his temples. “Neri...I can’t. You’re too much. You feel too good. I can’t hold—”

“It’s okay,” I whispered.

“It’s not fucking okay,” he strangled as my thighs tightened against his hips.
