Page 261 of The Luna Duet

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Catch me riding his daughter like a damn dog, and with the way my fury raged, I’d probably fucking finish before I let him tear me off her.

“I’m sorry, Aslan. Sorry for using you.”

I groaned and withdrew right to the tip. “Say that again.”

“I’m sorry—”

I thrust indecently deep, shutting her up.

Her first apology.

And I punished her for it.

Planting one hand on the floor, I curled my other around her hip.

I spread my legs for balance, cursed my shorts clinging to my thighs, and let go.

“Fuck,” she breathed, accepting my fury, my fear, my endless wish to fix her.

Her hair dusted the wooden floorboards as I pounded hard and painfully fast. Her fingernails scratched as she tried to stay still and my knees found every splinter as I drilled over and over inside her.

My heartrate exploded with every thrust.

The image of her bent over and at my mercy blew my fucking mind.

I couldn’t tear my eyes from where we were joined, hypnotised with every withdraw and penetration, my flesh disappearing into her flesh, wet and hungry, hard and thirsty.

We didn’t speak.

Too far gone for words.

We couldn’t use each other’s tongues to shut us up, so we clamped our lips closed and breathed through flared nostrils.

On and on, I hammered into her. Not slowing, not pretending this was anything more than what it was.

A quick, dirty fuck to hold memories at bay.

And something cold and sickening slithered around my heart.

I ignored it as I reached between her legs and found her clit. I shut up the whispers crowding in the back of my mind as I thumbed her swollen sensitivity and groaned at the flutters of her core.

“Come for me. Come on me. Fucking come, Neri or—”

“God—” She groaned and obeyed me.

Her entire body shattering and clenching, drawing me deeper, granting me access to her very soul. I never stopped rocking, driving deep, drawing out every inch of her release.

Only once she went limp and I had to curl my arm under her waist to hold her upright did I let the curse in my blood out to play.

I stopped dampening the sharpness of touch.

I stopped dulling every hot, wet sensation.

I threw myself headfirst into feeling everything.

Every ridge of her, every searing, branding heat.

The pressure.
