Page 286 of The Luna Duet

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I fell back down.

If I cared more about my own life, I’d fight through the blaze and knock Jack aside. I’d bolt through the house and go.


I couldn’t leave her with this mess.

I couldn’t abandon her to parents who would never look at her the same way again.

I would rather die and take the blame, knowing I’d take a piece of her soul with me, than run like a fucking coward.

“It’s okay, askim,” I murmured, swallowing another mouthful of blood from the cut on my tongue. “I’ll be okay—”

“No, you won’t. This is all such a giant mistake.” Rushing at her father, she pummelled his chest. “This is all my fault. I’ve been wanting to tell you for months—”

“Months?” Jack grabbed her damaged wrists, making her cry out. “Months?! He’s been forcing himself on you for months?” “

“You’re not listening to me! He never forced me. Not once! I love him, Dad—”

“Fucking hell, I’m gonna kill him. He’s got you so brainwashed, you don’t even know what you’re saying!” Tossing Neri toward Anna, he roared, “Take her, Anna. Tell the police to get in here quick before I rip his motherfucking balls off!”

“Police!” The knocking turned violent. “Open immediately!”

“Go!” Jack roared at his wife.

Anna left Neri on the threshold and tore up the corridor in a whirl of pink.

Everything inside me stilled, went quiet, prepared to die.

So this was how it ended.

This was how I lost her.

“Seni seviyorum, karicigim.” I forced a smile, hoping I didn’t look too beaten, too bloody.

I didn’t want Neri to remember me like this or see me being dragged out the door in handcuffs. “Go, Neri. It’s okay.”

“Fuck that. None of this is okay.”

“Nerida, go find your mother,” Jack roared, rolling up the cuffs of his suit, his knuckles raw and bloody from hitting me. “I’m going to say another goodbye to Aslan.”

Neri froze.

Her lips twisted.

Her eyes dried up.

And I saw the decision before she even acknowledged it herself.

“Neri, don’t—” I coughed.

Too late.

Leaping for her bedside table, she grabbed her mermaid lamp with its heavy scaled base, yanked the cord out of the wall, and struck her father with all her might around the back of his head.

He groaned and dropped like an anchor to the floor.

His eyes closed.
