Page 548 of The Luna Duet

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Like you kept your promise to that girl and shot her?

The sheen of terror in his eyes was so unfamiliar, so foreign that I softened just a little. “What’s happening?”

“We’re being raided. We need to get to the catacombs. There’s a way out down there. I have men standing by to fly us away when we reach the edge of my estate.”

“Fine.” I clutched my lion cane. “I’ll be right behind you.”

“Don’t lag. If you can’t keep up, tell me and I’ll help.” His eyes narrowed. “Don’t be an idiot, Aslan. You fall behind, they’ll slaughter you where you stand.”

My heart kicked.

I gasped, remembering something else.

“ gave out.”

“It was a panic attack. Nothing more,” Cem muttered, moving toward the exit. “I had Çetin check you over.”

“It didn’t feel like a normal panic attack.”

He stuck his head out the door, checking left and right. Looking back at me, he asked quietly, “How would you know? Have you had panic attacks before?”

I smirked meanly. “Thanks to you, I’ve had many. In fact, all my issues are thanks to you.”

He sighed. “We’ll talk. Once we’re safe. You have my word, we’ll talk.”



I hopped closer to him, bracing my stomach and preparing to run with only one leg. Was that even possible? “Yes.”

“Follow me. If we get separated, get to the caves as quickly as you can. Keep going past the one you were kept in. There’s a door at the very end.” With another look left and right, he charged down the corridor toward the sweeping staircase.

I chased after him the best I could.

In different parts of the mansion, men shouted, shots rang out, and anarchy echoed.

I wanted to ask who was raiding us.

Who would be that stupid?

But Cem didn’t slow. He reached the stairs and bolted down them.

Gripping my cane with one hand and running my other down the banister, I hopped as fast and as steadily as I could all the way to the bottom.

Cem glanced back, his eyes wide with worry as a gunshot rang out far too close.

Was it another gang?

The police?

He led me toward the back of the house where the locked door waited to slip down to the ancient labyrinths below, but shadows appeared up ahead.

Five men all dressed in black.

“Freeze!” one of them yelled. “Stay right there.”
