Page 7 of The Baron to Break

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“I’m trying to help you.”

She tossed up her hands. “Do you think my brother would honestly approve of this method of helping me?”

Emily had a point. Actually, she’d had several.

And the woman he’d thought innocent to the point of being almost childlike was vanishing. In her place was a beauty with smarts and sass.

Fuck. He loved smarts and sass.

He’d felt a pull toward Emily since they had met. But all the characteristics he’d admired—her beauty, her grace and kindness—were amplified by her strength in this moment. She wasn’t kind because she was weak. She was just deep down good…a bit of envy pulsed through him.

He wished he could be that clean.

Which only made him more certain he should keep his distance. He’d only ruin her with his own dark past. And she was not just a gentlewoman, she was the sister of one of his dearest friends.

Which meant the attraction he felt was completely unwanted. And deepening that want was a giant mistake. He could admire her beauty the way a man might enjoy a work of art and he could protect her for Ashton’s sake.

But to like her…no, to really want her…that would make this whole situation so much more difficult.

“We can’t leave you alone in this house with no method of providing for yourself.”

She shook her head, her gaze growing thoughtful. “I’ve not heard a single stirring from any of the staff about accounts that haven’t been settled. It’s so odd.”

But that news relieved him because it meant they had time. When creditors started calling, that’s when the real problems started. He ought to know.

“We could quietly spirit you from the city. With your mourning period, you won’t be missed.”

She nodded. “I can go to see the Duke and Duchess of Wingate. They’d have me, I’m certain.”

They surely would. The duchess was dear friends with Emily. And he’d known Wingate for years, so he trusted the man with this responsibility. And what was more, Wingate had the power, money, and standing to see Emily on the correct path no matter the circumstances.

“We could just travel with servants, but it would be better to have a real chaperone. As you mentioned…your reputation.”

She grimaced. “I also mentioned that my only aunt is too old.”

But another idea had struck him. “I’ve got an aunt who can do it.”

“But she’s not my aunt.”

“Who’s to know? Mister Barrow has surely never met your actual aunt.”

Emily gaped at him. “Lie to the solicitor? Again?”

He shrugged. He found most rules…prohibitive. “He’ll never know.”

She shook her head, tsking. “You are dastardly, Jacob. Do you always lie this compulsively?”

There it was. Where he ended with most women. The part of him that had likely come from his mother just like his green eyes. “You’re welcome for coming to your rescue.”

She ignored that comment. “Did Ashton know this about you?”

“Of course he does.”

“And he likes you despite your loose morals?” She cocked her head to the side as though she were understanding something about her brother or the world she hadn’t known before.

“I have my charms.”

“Devilish charms sure to land you and me in trouble if you’re not careful.”
