Page 109 of Time with Mr. Silver

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“Fine?” I bounce on my toes, excitement fizzing in my stomach.

He narrows his eyes at me, the corner of his lips curling the slightest amount as I wrap my arms around his neck and reach up to kiss him again. He drops his hands to my waist and groans as I press my breasts up against his chest and suck on his bottom lip.

“Take off your top before I change my mind,” he grumbles.

I move back and grin as I grab the hem of my off-shoulder t-shirt and pull it up over my head.

“Fuck, Sunbeam. Are you trying to kill me?”

I giggle as Dax’s eyes drop to my bare breasts.

“What? I can’t wear a bra with it, you can see the straps.”

He curses under his breath again as he takes my hand and leads me over to the bench.

Dax said Scott, the guy whose shop we’re in, has been a friend of his for years. From way back when they were kids. He’s who taught Dax how to do this.

“Do you know what you want?” Dax asks as I get comfortable, face down on the bench.

“Whatever you choose. I trust you.”

“Rose,” he scoffs. “This is permanent.”

“I know.” I give him a soft smile as he frowns at me. “Okay, fine…” I allow my gaze to wander over the bird and flowers on his neck. The ones just like his mother’s favorite mirror that he gave me. “Give me something that will make me remember Dad.”

Dax purses his lips, studying me for a heart-stopping moment.

Please don’t say no.

Finally, he nods, his expression somber. “Where?”

I don’t think I’ve ever stayed so still for so long. I’m terrified if I move, I might break Dax’s concentration and he’ll make a mistake. He looks so serious, his eyes fixed on my shoulder as he works. He glanced at me once a while ago, and I swear he was about to smile, but then he got all straight-faced again and his full attention returned to his task.

To the surprise he’s creating for me. A symbol of the future Rose. The one who isn’t going to live in the past anymore.

I wish Dad could see us now. He’d like Dax, I know he would. And he’d never for a second believe that I am actually here, doing this. I’ve never wanted one before. Never really liked them that much.

Until Dax.

He’s changed everything.

“Almost finished.” His warm breath flows over my skin with how close he is.

I turn my head as much as I can without moving my shoulder. The needle buzzes as Dax passes it over my skin. It stings. But it’s going to be worth it.

“What is it?” I try to read his face, but he gives nothing away as he finishes and turns the machine off.

“Patience,” he tuts, earning himself a huff from me. He dabs at my skin with a wipe, and finally smiles as he looks from my shoulder to my eyes. “Okay. It’s done.”

I sit straight up, ignoring the heat in my skin and turn my head, but although I can see some of it, I can’t make it out properly.

“What is it?” I ask again, twisting and pulling my arm down.

“Stay there.”

He moves away and then returns with a small mirror and hands it to me. “Go stand in front of the one on the wall and use this.”

I take it and rush over to the large wall-mounted mirror and spin around, not caring that I’m still naked from the waist up. I angle the mirror until I can see it.
