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I bang the knocker again before cursing myself inwardly as I spot a keypad. It’s been cleverly concealed away from the main door, hidden behind one of the giant stone pillars. Still, it’s a stupid place to put it. Difficult to spot unless you already know it’s there. Maybe that’s his reasoning. Judging by Dax’s lack of friendly enthusiasm, I don’t expect he likes to encourage visitors.

I press the buzzer. This is a stupid idea. He said to return his umbrella on Monday. But after going out with Jasmin last night to some local bars where she told me how incredible Dax’s apartment is and how the view is even better up there, my curiosity was piqued. I’ve always loved being up high. Dad would take me, Brett, and Harley on walks to the highest point in our town and point out our school and all the places we visited down below.

Somehow being up high and looking down makes your troubles seem smaller.

I turn away seconds before the front door opens.

“Leaving already?”

I spin back around. Dax leans against the doorframe, arms crossed.


I let my eyes rake over his fitted black jeans and bare feet, before moving up to his black t-shirt. The sleeves are shorter than when he rolls his shirt up at work, and more of the full tattoo sleeves on each of his arms are visible. An intoxicating array of images stretch over his corded muscles before disappearing beneath the fabric. But his neck grabs my interest the most. There were hints of ink there beneath his work jackets, but it always felt too rude to stare. Now I can’t stop myself. He has the most beautiful, intricate design of entwined leaves and flowers covering his skin. And there’s even a bird. There’s more to discover the longer I stare.

“Let me guess. You have virgin skin?”

I drag my eyes back to his.

“What did you call me?”

He chuckles. And it’s deep and gravelly… and sexy as sin. My lower stomach clenches involuntarily as a flutter runs through it. He’s staring at me intently and all of him is… it’s…He looks like sex.

“I said I bet you have virgin skin. I wasn’t asking if you’ve never fucked before.”

My head jerks back. This is my boss. A man who’s barely spoken since I started working here a week ago, except to grunt in response to the accounting updates I have given him. And now he’s standing here, looking like a rock god, and using the word ‘fucked’ like it’s a normal thing to discuss with someone you hardly know.

I let my eyes wander over his tattoos again. He couldn’t be more different from my ex, Gareth, if he tried. Gareth was the typical clean-cut, fresh-faced boy next door. Someone safe and dependable. Only he wasn’t. Not in the end.

I shake my head. Why am I even thinking of him now? We could never go back to where we were, not that I’d want to.

“Good. Because that’s obviously none of your goddamn business,” I fire back.

He rests his arm up against the doorframe, and his eyes twinkle as he smirks against his fist, rubbing his thumb over his lips. He hasn’t shaved today. The extra scruff suits him. All the business shirts and jackets… he wears them well. But here like this, something tells me this is the real Dax standing in front of me right now. It’s like he’s shed some of his usual harshness when he’s stripped of his suit.

But either way, I’m not about to stand and discuss my sex life with him and give him something to laugh about.

“Here.” I thrust the umbrella into his hand and turn to leave.

“Hey.” He grabs ahold of my wrist, gently curling his large hand around it to prevent me from leaving. The same static electricity that passed between us the first time we met crackles again, sending energy buzzing up my arm.

I turn back and frown at him.

“I’m sorry. I just like seeing that spark fire up I was told you have.”

My skin bristles. My family must have told him more about me than I realized. It’s something Harley has been the most vocal about. How she misses my feistiness. She said it’s been absent so much since Brett’s accident and since Dad passed. She said she always loved how despite being the youngest, I was the one most likely to get into a scrap, standing up for her or Brett.

I haven’t felt much like fighting for anything in a long time.

“You’ve spoken with my family.”

“Not much.” His eyes hold mine. “But I wanted to know who I was trusting into my business, even if you being here is a favor.”

I wince at his harsh reminder. I am here as a favor. Because I’ve let my family down. Because Mom lies awake every night, worrying about me and all the late nights and partying. All the toxic behavior that living with crippling guilt brings.

I’ve let so many people down.

“Breathe,” Dax says softly.

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