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“What am I going to fucking do with you?” he mutters.

It’s the second time he’s asked himself that.

I get under his skin. I must by the way he reacts to me sometimes. But I bet it’s not half as much as he gets under mine.

Dax hot-and-cold Silver.

He shoves the car into drive without saying another word.

Chapter 10


“So,areyoustillnot going to tell me how this happened?” Rose asks as she presses an ice pack wrapped in a washcloth to my cheek.

My eyes pinch at the corners, and I ignore the sting in my skin.

“Fine.” She huffs. “Suit yourself. Hold this.” She places my hand over the ice pack so she can press another washcloth to my split lip.

“You’ve done this before?” I ask, watching the way her blue eyes narrow as she concentrates.

I’m sitting on the sofa in my living room, and she is on her knees between my legs, smelling and looking like too many thoughts I cannot entertain. She’s wearing a white t-shirt and another of her short, loose skirts. They flow around the tops of her thighs, swishing as she walks. Not that I watch. At least, not all the time.

“My brother, Brett, would get into the occasional fight when we were younger,” she says, dabbing at the corner of my mouth to loosen the dried blood. She frowns as her eyes wander over my face again, her dark lashes fluttering over her cheeks each time she blinks.

She’s so beautiful. Pure and fucking beautiful. I can’t tell her I had to put a guy in his place earlier today who thought it was okay to steal the product for his own use. She’d run out of here faster than he was snorting it up his nose when I caught him.

I look down and flex my fingers. Rose follows my gaze, her frown only deepening at the sight of my red knuckles. It’s a good thing she can’t see the other guy. This is nothing.

“I bet he was keeping the boys away from you and your sister. That’s what brothers do.”

“Did you do that for Jasmin? Scare them all away?” Her lips curl into a smile.

“Of course I fucking did.”

She laughs softly.

Beautiful and pure.

Not for you, Dax.

“Brett did do that for me and Harley,” she says, turning her attention back to my lips. I should do this myself. But her doing it, taking care of me… it’s… nice. “He was always looking out for us both. And us for him, too. We were all really close once.”


Any remnants of her laugh dies in the air as her face closes off.

“Yeah. Things change. But I guess you know this already. You agreed to give me the job. You must have heard from my family why they thought I needed time away?”

She pauses, her hand hovering over my skin as she hesitates.

“Perhaps. But I haven’t heard it from you.”

She inhales slowly, and her long blonde hair catches the light, framing her face as she lifts her eyes. They’re clear and bright and make something lodge in my chest that shouldn’t be there. I can’t look away. I shouldn’t be asking her these things, encouraging her to open up to me. To bare herself. It’s not fair. Because I can never do the same. I can’t tell her who I really am.

I can’t tell anyone.

“I…” She shakes her head and looks down at the cloth in her hand. “Brett was run down by a driver in broad daylight, over three years ago. The guy never stopped to check if he was even alive. Just left him at the side of the road like he was nothing. He was too busy racing home to his wife to stop his mistress from telling his wife about their affair. And after, the stress of it all brought on Dad’s heart attack that killed him. The doctors never said that was the cause. But we all knew.”
