Page 10 of Resisting Mr. Rich

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The thought of her getting all worked up at her office when she saw me is almost enough to thaw my mood. I made that line between her brows deep.

The guys continue laughing around me, so I turn my palms up, tuning back into our conversation.

“I like tits, so what? It’s ingrained into humans. It’s a basic survival instinct that a baby knows how to suck a nipple. I’m human. Which is more than I can say for you assholes.”

Their eyes all cast around the table between one another before they throw their heads back and laugh again. This time, Tanner joins in.

“Yeah, laugh at the poor sucker who’s having their life dictated to them,” I grumble.

But despite the earlier shock of Dad’s bombshell, my spirits lift. The guys are right. I can bring more money into the company. It’s only the Vex project that needs extra funding. Our other lines are running like usual, bringing in huge revenue. Our airline contracts being the largest. Those alone keep our company in billions of profits per year. The rest could all go to shit, and they would keep us afloat. Project Vex is ambitious. But it’s not impossible. Dad and I knew it wouldn’t be easy, but that it’d be worth it.

It was only when I came back to work with Dad full time that we put plans into motion. I respect Dad for having complete faith in what started as merely a spark of an idea. He’s been behind me every step of the way, working on the design with me, bringing in specialists, project managers, a whole team of the best minds to develop it. And we are so close. We need more funding and then we can begin testing the prototype. The amount it’ll cost is huge. But it’ll be worth it. Once this engine works, even a hundred billion pounds will seem like a speck compared to what we’ll make.

Drew wraps an arm around my shoulders, and I manage a smile and soft jab to his middle as he ruffles my hair.

Dad’s overreacting. Our company is worth billions, for fuck’s sake. And our reputation will bring in the extra investors we need to uphold the project.

I don’t need to marry Gabrielle North any more than a bear needs to stop shitting in the woods.

It just won’t happen.

Chapter 4


“Ican’tbelieveit!”I howl as I try to make sense of what’s happened.

“Are you sure that’s what Eve meant?” Chloe eyes me from her perch on the sink countertop.

I’ve pulled her into the ladies’ room for a crisis meeting.

“I’m pretty sure, ‘You’re going to Italy to follow Mr. Rich and write a feature on project Vex,’only has one interpretation.” I slouch against the wall, dropping my head to stare at my shoes. “I’m not a feature writer. I do the book recommendations.”

“You’rehead of literary news.” Chloe fixes me with a stern look as she crosses her arms. “Who has been begging Eve at every team meeting for the past seven months for an opportunity to write a feature length piece. It’s a step closer to the promotion you want. Your own column, remember?”

“Yeah.” I scrub a hand over my face, probably ruining my make-up, but right now I don’t care what I look like. If I look a mess, then at least it’ll match the despair growing in my gut. “But I meant a feature related tobooks. Like an interview with the head of a publishing house or something. Or an indie author feature. Not a…” I fight back a shudder. “Not a month-long trip with Logan Rich.”

“At least he’s nice to look at. And fills out his suit pants well.”

I lift my eyes to meet Chloe’s and she smiles at me before rolling her eyes.

“Look. Eve chose you for a reason. She’s placing her trust in you to write an engaging article that will draw people in and make them excited. This new project of Logan’s is ground-breaking stuff, Maddy. It’s literally world-changing. You’ve been given a massive opportunity to get the first exclusive behind-the-scenes look at it. You’re going to see who’s funding it and speak to them and get quotes. You can write a candid delve into the inner workings of Logan’s mind.”

I snort.

“Look, you might not like the guy, but you need to forget that. He’s a genius in his field. Like a hot nerd, but not nerdy. Okay, he can come across a little… playful,” she adds as she catches my disgusted expression. “But you can’t let him get to you. Be professional. Let your words shine through in your article. This is huge for you. It could be career-changing. Nail this and Eve might give you another feature on a subject that you do want to write about.”

I straighten against the wall, sucking in a determined breath. “You’re right. This isn’t about him. This is about me showing Eve what I can do.”

Eve was so excited to call me into her office after Logan left. She was buzzing with more energy than a new vibrator as she told me he’d agreed to an exclusive behind-the-scenes interview. Vex is making waves in the science world. Even I can’t deny that he’s gotten people excited at the prospect of a rocket engine that works on one hundred percent biofuel.

I’m stumped as to why she was adamant I write it. She’s aware of my disdain for the man and knows Logan has a reputation as a serial-dater. Maybe she didn’t want to subject one of her staff to that and thought I would be immune. She’s onto a winner because there is no way I’ll be spending more time with him on this trip than is necessary. No way in hell.

I’ve always wanted to visit Italy. The architecture, the history. It’s all so beautiful and romantic. I’ll get free time to explore.

Count the positives, Maddy.

“That’s the spirit.” Chloe grins as she hops down from the counter and looks at my softening expression.
