Page 93 of Resisting Mr. Rich

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Maddy’s eyes snap to the side, looking over my shoulder and widening at the roar.

I pull my fingers from her body as my eyes connect with hers. Hers are round as she sucks in a sharp gasp.

“Get your fucking hands off my sister!” Fists grab my shirt, yanking me away from Maddy and throwing me into the wall opposite.

Maddy scrambles to pull her dress down over her thighs. “Drew!”

His eyes seem almost black with murderous intent as he looks between the two of us, sucking sharp breaths in through his nose like a prize-fighting bull.

Chloe races up behind him, her face pinched. “I’m sorry, Maddy. I tried to distract him.”

“You fucking knew about this?” He turns to Chloe, and she shrivels under his gaze before his accusing stare slams back onto me.

“This isn’t the first time?”

Tanner and Dax appear behind him. Girls pause further up the corridor, craning their necks to see what’s going on.

“Nothing to see. Keep walking, ladies,” Dax says to them. And they do, having more sense than to get involved in something happening in a darkened corridor of a club. A corridor I fucked Maddy in because I couldn’t restrain myself long enough to take her somewhere private.

“It’s not what you think,” Maddy pleads with Drew.

“It’s exactly what you think.” I step away from the wall, ignoring the sting of pain in my back.

“Logan!” Maddy snaps.

“He deserves to know.”

“Asshole,” she whispers, blinking back embarrassed tears as Chloe squeezes past Drew and runs to her side, wrapping an arm around her.

“It started in Italy.” I meet Drew’s glare with a deep inhale.

He advances toward me, ignoring a low spoken warning of his name from Tanner.

“You’ve been fucking my sister for weeks? You’re supposed to be my friend. You’re supposed to look out for her. Keep her safe from assholes. I trusted you! My friend, the biggest asshole of the lot!”

He shoves me in the chest, but I refuse to fight him. He has every right to be angry. I lied to him. I am a shit friend.

“This is why you begged her manager to send her on that fucking Italy trip, isn’t it? So you could use her as your fuck toy.”

“What?” Maddy gasps behind Drew. “You asked Eve to send me?”

“Keep out of it!” Drew shouts.

“Don’t yell at her.” I square up to him, and he glares at me so hard his eyeballs look like they might explode in his skull.

“So what? You going to marry her now instead?” Drew’s lip curls in a disgusted snarl.

“I’m not fucking marrying anyone!”

He shoves me again. “You telling me you’re fingering my sister in some dark dirty hallway of a club for nothing?”

He turns to Maddy with a sneer. “Real fucking classy, sis.”

Shame washes over her face as her cheeks flare.

“Hey.” This time, I shove him back. “Take that the fuck back.”

Drew rears back. His fist connects with my cheekbone faster than I can dive out of the way. My back hits the wall with force.
