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They sit me down on the edge of the bed. Matthew sits to my right, Jason to my left, and Sully kneels in front of me, his hands resting on my thighs. We are closed in together in my cozy hotel room as winter remains outside with its icy gusts and tomblike silence. A Christmas Day to remember for sure, one for the books.

“What really happened with Cynthia?” I ask, wiping some of my tears with the sleeve of my sweater. “Was she always like this? So manipulative and evil, a two-faced bitch?”

Jason chuckles softly. “Loving the use of descriptions there. But yes, she is. We thought we’d found someone who was willing and happy to be with the three of us. As you know, Matthew, Sully, and I made a pact shortly after we left the Marine Corps that we’d figure out a way to be able to have one woman for the three of us. We’ve been through thick and thin together, and few people understand the level of trust and intimacy that we’re capable of. It worked with a few women in the past, but nothing that lasted.”

“We definitely lacked the emotional intimacy of what an actual relationship needs,” Matthew continues, one arm resting around my shoulders. “I’d known Cynthia from previous winters in Aspen—I knew her family—so we were somewhat connected both in Aspen as well as here, in Providence. We hooked up, and she seemed open to being with the three of us. We hit it off and decided to spend the winter holidays at my cabin. We really thought it would work, at least in the beginning. She was so warm and excited, willing and eager to receive everything that we had to give. However, it was all a ruse. Cynthia never had any intention of staying with all three of us.”

“She only wanted you,” I tell him, remembering her rambling from earlier.

Sully nods slowly. “She started playing us, planting issues where technically there weren’t any. She figured out our weaknesses and used them against us. And, as it turns out, the closer we got to the edge the better prepared she was, knowing she’d have to exit before trying again. That’s where the diary came in. She had to make sure that whoever came after her would have enough concerns and doubts to never fully commit to us.”

“As much I hate to say this, she’s pretty smart, if you think about it,” I mumble, lowering my gaze.

“Not smart enough. She didn’t bank on us falling for you as hard as we did,” Matthew says. Surprised, I look up to find a sea of warmth in his eyes. “I’m in love with you, Selina, and I know Sully and Jason feel the same way. We didn’t plan for it, I swear. We just wanted a fun winter holiday to wash away the sorrow of last year, and you needed a break from your own chaos. It seemed like a good idea.”

“Oh, Matthew…”

“Cynthia got feral at one point,” Jason says, his brow furrowed as he recounts the events of last year. “We were at each other’s throats, arguing and almost fighting each other. It wasn’t in our nature, it didn’t make sense. There was tension there that wasn’t supposed to be, that had never been there before. When you’ve been through hell and back like we were while in the service, there isn’t a single woman who could ever come between us. It dawned on Matthew that it had to be something to do with Cynthia. We confronted her.”

I give him a curious glance. “What happened?”

“She got emotional and irrational. She started screaming nonsense, begging Matthew to leave the two of us behind so they could be together. Naturally, Matthew told her no. Cynthia had a day to pack her things and leave. Except she didn’t. She did, however, sneak into Sully’s room and found his pain meds—stuff he hadn’t taken in a long time—and she overdosed. She almost died that night, had I not found her puking and pale and purple. It was horrible.”

“Oh my gosh.”

Sully takes a deep breath. “We blamed ourselves. Cynthia was taken to the hospital and left in her parents’ care. The last time we heard from them, she’d been committed to a private rehab clinic. Therapy, yoga, a proper psych specialist… we thought, we hoped, she’d be okay.”

“And you didn’t see her again until she showed up in Aspen this year,” I fill in the blanks.

Matthew nods. “Yeah. I thought she’d gotten over it. We had no clue about what she’d been planning the whole time. I’m deeply sorry for this, Selina. I’m sorry for the way she treated you, for threatening you. We failed you when you needed us the most.”

“No, you guys saved me. Besides, I have ownership in this too. At the first sign of trouble, I ran off instead of sitting down to work things out with the three of you,” I concede.

Jason kisses me sweetly on the lips. “We’re not leaving you again, baby.”

“I don’t want you to.”

“And Matthew said it right,” Sully adds, giving me one of his smoldering looks. I feel the emotion in his voice, and it’s making my heart sing. “I’m in love with you. I wanna be with you, I want the four of us to pick up where we left off. I want us to do whatever it takes to make it work in the long run.”

I exhale sharply. “I am crazy about you, as well. I’m in love with all three of you, and I hated that I had to leave. I never expected this.”

“I know, baby, neither did we,” Matthew replies, a warm smile stretching his lips as he brings a hand up to my face, lovingly caressing my cheek. “I was an idiot. I was scared, and I didn’t want Cynthia getting close enough to hurt you. It’s why I sent you away, and I deeply regret it. Especially since she ended up coming after you anyway. It was a mistake.”

“It’s okay. I understand now. You just wanted me safe and out of harm’s way. Judging by her behavior today, I completely get it, Matthew. Had I not seen it for myself, I’m not sure I would’ve believed you,” I say, an ache persisting in my chest. “She’s a good actress. It’s over, though. Right?”

“It is,” he says.

“She’ll never come near you again,” Sully adds.

Jason shakes his head vehemently. “We’ll need to inform her parents. She definitely needs help. Obviously that clinic she was at didn’t provide the type of help that she needs. Whatever works, as long as she stays away from us.”

“I think we seriously need to consider a restraining order,” Matthew says. “That means reporting what happened today to the local authorities.”

I give him a startled look. “Are you sure? It could cause quite the scandal.…”

“Your safety and well-being are paramount, Selina. I think it’s necessary,” he replies.

I have to admit, that makes me feel good. Precious. Cherished. Genuinely loved and protected. It’s such a dramatic shift of feelings from what I’ve been experiencing since I came back to Providence. I had expected and prepared myself for a lonely and uneventful Christmas. After the horrifying events with Cynthia, Santa brought me the best gift, actually,gifts, possible.
