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“Yes, absolutely.”

“You’re not just an employee, Selina. You are a human being. And while I cherish and protect my company fiercely, I feel the need to do the same for the people who help keep me in business. You are one of our most treasured sales specialists, and I am more than aware of your talents as a designer. I believe you’ve spent enough time on the bench to understand how my brand works now, and I think you will soon be ready to take the next step. Would you like that?”

“God, yes. Having you as my mentor would be a dream come true!” I blurt out. “Frankly, I was positive that I was fired, that I would never work in this industry again.”

“Had you not come over today, I might’ve considered blacklisting you, to be honest. But I am glad you did show up, and I am glad we are having this conversation. You will need that backbone for later, Selina. The fashion industry is harsh and heartless.”

“I understand.”

“But let us get past Christmas first, okay?”

I giggle softly, and he slides a key across the desk, along with a small envelope. “This is for you. The details of your new address are in the envelope, along with everything else you’ll need to settle in. The maintenance numbers, the Wi-Fi password, you know, the important details one gets when they move into a new home.”

“I cannot thank you enough.”

“You will thank me plenty when you become one of my best designers, Selina. In the meantime, I suggest you and Matthew and your friends try to enjoy what’s left of these peculiar holidays. What do you say?”

Laughing, I take the key and envelope and shove them in my coat pocket. “I say that sounds wonderful.” Etienne doesn’t need to know about my foursome situation. I’ll rather let him think it’s just me and Matthew. It’s weird enough as it is, and we still have so much more to figure out in the days to come. There’s no point in spilling the beans everywhere. “I look forward to coming back to work in the New Year, then.”

“With the appropriate amount of hangover, I presume.”

I can’t laugh at that one. I’m pregnant. I give a weak smile instead. I really need to let the guys know they are about to be fathers.

After our meeting, Etienne and I return to the front of the store, where Matthew, Sully, and Jason patiently await. I’m feeling nervous because I know I have to tell them about the baby. Today has been such a whirlwind of emotions and events already, yet my life appears to be resetting, one stone at a time. Part of me wants to wait, but they have the right to know and deserve the truth.

I’m terrified of how they might react even though they’ve been so kind and understanding thus far.

“How did it go?” Matthew asks.

“Better than I thought,” I reply, holding back a smile as I give Etienne a long, affectionate look. “Not only do I get to keep my job, but I’m in line for a new junior designer position sometime next year, and I also have a place to stay.”

Sully lets a delighted grin split his face from ear to ear. “That sounds phenomenal. Who’d have thought?”

“Then again, you are ridiculously ambitious and talented,” Jason quips. “Well deserved, Selina, congratulations.”

“Thank you, Etienne, for everything,” Matthew says to my boss, then turns his focus back on me. “You know, I still have a studio apartment for you to stay in, rent free.”

I would like nothing more than to accept the offer, but my current situation won’t allow it. “And I can never thank you enough for being so kind and generous in offering that,” I tell him. “But I prefer Etienne’s two-bedroom for two major reasons.”

“And what would those be?” he asks, raising a curious eyebrow.

“Well, first, it’s my financial independence. Etienne’s place keeps me out of your debt, and the rent gets taken out of my augmented salary. In the long term, it’s a sound and safe decision. Besides, I will need the extra space, a studio won’t do anymore,” I say.

Jason chuckles. “On account of you moving up in the fashion world and needing more room for your workspace, a little workshop of your own?”

“That, too. But it’s mostly on account of the fact that I’m pregnant,” I say.

The bomb has been dropped, and the three of them are staring at me, speechless and probably mindless. Etienne takes a deep breath, equally surprised but also thrilled as he turns around and hugs me. “Oh, Selina, you didn’t mention that. Good grief, ma cherie, congratulations! I think. I think? Are congratulations in order?” He sounds worried, and understandably so, because he’s probably thinking my ex is the father.

“I guess,” I tell him, struggling to put on a weak smile as I keep stealing glances at my men. “The ex is not the daddy, if that’s what you’re wondering,” I tell him. “Kieran and I stopped being intimate a long time ago.”

“My, my,” Etienne exclaims as he looks to Matthew. “Sounds like you’re going to be a papa.”

“Am I?” he manages, his gaze darting between Etienne and me.

It’s supposed to be a scary moment since I don’t know how to understand and interpret Matthew, Jason, and Sully’s reaction, but all I can do is laugh as I realize that the three of them are wondering the same thing while also trying to keep it cool in front of Etienne. The only accurate answer will put me in a bad light in front of my boss, so I choose to shrug, instead.

I give a subtle nod and a look to him that silently says, “I guess?”
