Page 113 of Bite of Pain

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"Go clean yourself up, honey, and get back to work. I need to talk privately with your boss."

She tentatively took the tissues but didn't bother using them before she excused herself. "Thank you, sir."

Randy waited until he heard the door close before he addressed his nervous cousin. "I would have thought you'd be taking your situation a bit more seriously, Robert. You think choking your assistant with your pathetic excuse for a cock is going to raise the half a mil you owe me faster?"

"Hey, you have no right to come in here like this. I don't know what the fuck you're playing at Randy, but this is still my office. My business. You can't just waltz in here like you own the joint." His cousin's words may have sounded strong, but the men had known each other their entire lives. He saw the sweat building on the older man's temples and didn't miss the trembling of his cousin's hands as he attempted to nervously pick up a few files.

"Let's get a few things straight here, cuz. I can guarantee you I'm not playing, and I rarely waltz. More importantly, since I've invested heavily in your business and have yet to see any meaningful return on my very generous investment, I've decided that I actually do own the joint."

"What the fuck! That wasn't part of our deal. You don't know shit about the adult entertainment business, anyway."

Robert's anxiety grew exponentially as Randy remained cool as a cucumber. "You know what I remember about our deal? I distinctly remember you promising to start paying back the two-million you borrowed long ago. In fact, I think we were supposed to be over halfway done with the repayments by now and yet you've barely kept up with interest payments."

"Hey, it's not my fault the film project we invested in was a flop. We took a loss."

"Correction. You took a loss. I didn't make an investment in a film. I gave you a loan. A loan for which you promised repayment. Period."

The man behind the desk paled as reality closed in. "Hey, you don't need to go all mobster on me. You're acting like you're here to break my legs if I don't pay you back."

Randy laughed a foreboding chuckle that had his cousin shaking. "You crack me up, Bobby. I'm no mobster.” He paused ominously before adding, “But I am a retired MMA champion who hasn't been able to beat the shit out of anyone for a couple years now. Don't tempt me."

"Christ, Rambo. Don't try to shake me down."

Christ, he loved to hear his old nickname from his fighting days being uttered out of fear.

"Or what? You gonna tell your mommy on me? Aunt Rita already knows you're a waste. You think she's gonna be happy to find out about your latest fuck up?"

"What the hell do you want from me?” Bobby’s arms were flailing, his eyes wide with panic. “I'm gonna need some more time to get the money flowing in. I've lost several of my top performers this last year."

"Don't you mean your top performers are ditching you because you don't have what it takes to get them the good jobs anymore? You're an agent. You're supposed to be getting porn stars roles in top erotic films. The last report you sent had nothing but second-rate productions on the docket."

"So, I've had some trouble getting directors to invest in my talent, but things are looking up. I've signed a couple new actors that are very promising. In fact, the best one, Kayla Black, is out on her first job for me today. I was just gonna head over to the set to watch after Patty... er, now. Maybe you should head over there with me."

"Maybe I should. The real question is why the fuck you aren't already over on the set if they've already started filming?"

"Listen, don't tell me how to do my job. You know jack shit about the adult film industry."

"I know this. I picked up the phone and called some of the directors who've stopped working with you in the last year. Every single one of them told me the same thing. Your guys are pussies; the women are spoiled prima donnas who are more trouble than they're worth."

"Who the hell told you that?" Bobby’s face grew darker with his growing anger.

"The better question is who didn't?" Randy replied, keeping his voice deceivingly calm.

The office phone rang. Patty had put herself back together enough to answer the call. The men didn't even have time to resume their conversation when the assistant knocked lightly on the door. When Bobby ignored her, Randy called out. "Come in, Patty."

The ex-porn star turned administrative assistant poked her head in. "I have Butch Jensen on the phone for you, Mr. Ortiz. He says it can't wait."

Randy recognized the name of one of the most successful directors in the adult film industry. He watched Bobby become even more nervous before picking up the call from his desk phone. "Hey, Butch. How's my girl doing?"

His cousin's face turned beet-red. Randy could hear the screaming man at the other end of the phone through the receiver pressed to Bobby's ear. The director was furious.

Randy stood and reached for the phone, pressing the speakerphone button. The pissed off voice of the director bellowed throughout the entire office. "I can't believe you screwed me over again, you bastard. I told you this was your last chance. This bitch is gonna be lucky to get a fucking Viagra commercial by the time I'm done with you."

Before Bobby could respond, Randy took control of the call. "I'm so sorry to hear there were problems today, Butch. This is Robert's new partner, Randy. I'm still trying to get up to speed. Would you mind laying out what went wrong today? I give you my word that while Robert may be lax in his management style, I can assure you I have a much more hands on approach to fixing personnel problems. I'd love to understand what went wrong today and what I need to do to prove to you I'm gonna make it right."

"It's too late. I told your partner this was his last chance. There are plenty of other agencies that actually groom their talent to be professionals. I called personally so I could tell Robert to his face what an asshole he is. Not only will I not pay a dime for Kayla today, but I'll be sending you a fucking bill for the thousands I lost because of the bitch."

"Whoa... Let's not get ahead of ourselves here. Let's start with you laying out what went wrong first."
