Page 115 of Bite of Pain

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Kayla Black doesn't know it yet, but she's going to be the first actress to be intimately introduced to the consequences for not reading a contract thoroughly before signing.

Passing by the receptionist’s desk upon his return, he asked, "Patty, please pull Kayla Black's file and bring it to me right away."

"Yes sir, Mr. Ortiz."

Robert may not be thrilled with his cousin's interference, but his admin seemed pleased with the change in leadership.

Like earlier, he didn’t bother knocking and was happy to find his cousin’s office vacant. Patty had followed and set the thin manila folder in front of Randy as he sat behind the only desk in the room.

She was just leaving when Robert emerged from the executive bathroom attached to the office. His face transformed to fury seeing his cousin in his chair.

"I don't know what the hell you're playing at, Randy, but I've had enough. Get the fuck out of my chair and out of my office. I'll have a check to you by the end of the month."

Randy grinned. "I'm done waiting for checks." He said, sliding the folder across the desk to the older man seething on the other side. "I suggest you read the new contract you've had everyone signing for the last six months. I think you'll find that I have every right to be sitting here. Next week we'll look for new office space. I predict we're going to be very busy."

Robert didn't answer. He was too busy flipping through Kayla's folder. Randy knew the moment he got to the changes he had his lawyer make. The folder started to shake in the older man's trembling hands.

When his cousin looked up, Randy saw a mix of hatred and excitement staring back at him. "You'll never get away with this. This is against the law."

"The hell it is. This is a private contract. She's not an employee, she's a client."

"It doesn't matter. You don't know the first thing about the adult entertainment industry."

"What is it you think I don't know? It's a business. We're all in this to make money. Clients stick with me and I'm going to make them rich. They cross me and they won't work in this city again."

"No one is going to ever work with you."

"We'll see about that. I'm gonna build a stable of talent who will play by my rules, and in return they'll be rewarded with more work than they can handle."

"And just how do you plan on delivering all this phantom work?"

"Simple. Directors hate working with undisciplined prima donnas. They want to work with professionals. Starting today we are going to start grooming our clients to be the professionals directors want to work with. I've already reached out to several of the top directors and let them in on my plan. They're willing to give me a few weeks to work some magic, then they're all going to give us another chance."

His cousin was getting pale. "Who did you talk to? I've been working in this industry for years. I know what they want."

"Apparently not since they all had stopped working with you. Every single one of them said you were a blow-hard who allowed your clients to walk all over you. The changes I made to the contract are going to fix that."

"It won't fix shit. I won't do it."

"You don't understand. You don't need to do a damn thing except get out of my way. I'm going to take care of everything."

The words were hanging in the air when Patty knocked on the door. Before Randy could answer, a tall blonde in a snug yoga outfit pushed her way into the room, nearly knocking Patty over. Even without heavy makeup, the woman was beautiful by most people's standards. The only thing detracting from her appearance was the scowl on her face.

"You shouldn't frown like that, Ms. Black. You're going to get wrinkles."

"Who the fuck are you and why do you care?"

Randy quietly excused his new assistant. "That'll be all Patty. Why don't you go home early today?"

Her face lit up. "Really? That would be great. Thank you, Mr. Ortiz."

She was turning to leave when Randy tacked on his next request. "Before Patty leaves for the day, I'd like you to apologize to her, Ms. Black, for pushing her when you came in the office."

Randy watched the porn star's reaction carefully. The tone he had used left no room for ambiguity. It was an order. Would she comply?

"Fuck you. The only person who is going to be doing any apologizing around here is you for dragging me all the way back down here."

Randy was a large, muscular man, but he had the body of an athlete, and he kept it well tuned. He was up on his feet and around the desk before Kayla knew what was happening. He wrapped his hand behind her neck and squeezed hard, pushing her face in the direction of a stunned Patty. Her long blonde ponytail was tangled in his fingers, and he knew it had to be pulling at her scalp.
