Page 117 of Bite of Pain

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Randy had been looking forward to intimidating the beautiful client so he should have been happy to see her hands shaking as she wrapped her arms around her middle, self-consciously rocking back and forth. Her actions told him there might be more to her reluctance than she was disclosing. Regardless, he had to lay down the rules.

"Ms. Black, if the script calls for anal, you'll do anal. It appears you may need some anal training to be prepared and lucky for you, I'm up for the job." He tried to keep from grinning at her widening eyes. Before she could retort, he continued his interrogation. "Next, what is the meaning of pushing the lead off you in the middle of a scene?"

That question got her animated. "Hey, that dick on the set was taking forever to shoot his wad. He'd fucked me for almost two hours. Anyone's pussy would be ready for a break after that long."

"Maybe, but you're an actress. That means you act. Earlier, it meant you should have kept acting like he was the world's best fuck and you wanted it to go on forever. That's your job."

"You're insane." For the first time she turned to address his cousin. "Why are you letting him talk to me like this, Robert? I didn't sign with him. I signed with you. You promised me I was going to be treated with the respect I deserve."

Randy interrupted. "As far as I can see, you haven't earned jack shit. You're a spoiled prima donna and are in need of someone to take you in hand and get you back on track." She sat with her mouth open in shock so he kept talking. "Now, I think it's time to review the contract you signed with us just last month, Kayla." She was about to sass him back, but he held up his hand to stop her. "I strongly suggest you stop talking. You are only digging yourself into deeper trouble every time you open your mouth."

"Screw you."

"No, you're the only one who is going to be getting screwed today, but that will come later. We have a few other important things to take care of first."

He saw the confusion in her eyes before he broke their connection to read from her contract. "Let's review section five on page eight of your contract. It's the section titled 'Conduct Rules and Consequences.'" He glanced up to see he had her full attention now.

"Rule one is to show up on the set no less than thirty minutes before scheduled start time. Talent is to arrive well rested and prepared for all aspects of the shoot, including but not limited to, shaving of body hair and cleansing internal body cavities scheduled for sexual encounters." He looked up to lock eyes with Kayla. "Looks like you failed every aspect of that rule today. Let's move on to rule two. Talent will act professionally at all times and refrain from making out-of-the-ordinary requests while on set."

"I acted professionally."

"So, you didn't bitch about not having your own dressing room?"


"You didn't bitch about there being no sparkling water?"


"As I thought. Moving on. Rule three. Talent agrees to submit to monthly blood tests for STDs and will carry both their photo ID and most recent blood test results at all times, presenting them to the director when reporting for a shoot. How did you do with this rule, Ms. Black?"

He decided to give her some rope to hang herself. "He was being an asshole. My blood test is only thirty-five days old. I'm going in for an update tomorrow."

"Interesting. Butch didn't even complain about that one. He just said you held up filming to run to your car for your documentation. Never again. You will go no longer than twenty-eight days between tests and you'll carry it with you at all times. Clear?"

"Listen, I tried to go get the test last week, but my credit card was maxed, and my no-good boyfriend cleaned out my bank account again." Her voice cracked with emotion.

Randy noticed her tears threatening. She looked remarkably vulnerable. He had to harden his heart to stop from going soft. "This is not just my rule, Ms. Black. This is a state law. If you have trouble paying for the required tests, then you need to alert me, and I will help you. Understood?

"Fine." She sounded like a sulking teenager.

"There are other rules here. By the time I see you on Thursday, I'll expect you to be able to recite these back to me. You'll not like the consequences if you fail."

Her intoxicating blue eyes met his as she tried to regain some control of the situation. "You know, this goon routine isn't gonna fly with me. You can't treat me like a child."

The hard-on pressing for release from his designer suit pants was proof he was acutely aware she was anything but a child. Still, he had to maintain control. "Oh, Ms. Black, I assure you that by the time you leave this office, it will be abundantly clear to you that I don't think of you as a child. Now, let's move onto the consequences portion of the contract." Randy found the section he was looking for, and decided reading it word for word would have the desired effect.

"Should the talent at any time fail to comply with the aforementioned code of conduct, disciplinary measures will be taken by the managing agent in order to punish the client for poor choices. During the resulting punishment session, the agent will coach or instruct the client on better behavior for the future. The level of discipline will be commensurate with the severity of the infractions and is to be meted out at the discretion of the managing agent. Should the talent wish to lodge a formal rebuttal, the matter will move to arbitration. The talent will be suspended from all assignments until the matter is resolved to both parties’ satisfaction. Should infractions be repeated, or the talent refuse to go to arbitration, the managing agent reserves the right to consider the contract null and void..."

Kayla jumped to her feet, suddenly looking more confident. "Fine! Consider your damn contract null and void!"

Randy grinned his most menacing smile. "I wasn't finished. Perhaps you'd like to hear the rest of the paragraph before you tell me to shove the contract up my ass."

She remained standing, an expectant look on her face. "As I was saying. The managing agent reserves the right to consider the contract null and void. The departing talent will be responsible for reimbursing the agency for all outstanding fines or costs associated with their departure."

"That's great. I'm outta here." She had reached down to grab her big bag but froze as Randy continued.

"Sounds good. I'll have Patty type up the invoice then for the five thousand in fines we received from Butch Jensen for the time wasted on today's shoot and I already have you booked for another gig on Thursday. It will cost me a premium to find someone to fill in at the last minute. It looks like you're anxious to leave though, so perhaps you don't mind the ten grand fee. Oh, and good luck finding someone else to represent you. If my research is accurate, we are already your third agency. You have a reputation of being difficult to work with. But maybe it's best that you leave and pay the fine, because I'm not sure you're up for the training if you stay."
