Page 141 of Bite of Pain

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Striking like a rattlesnake, I gripped his wrist. Pressing hard on his median nerve, I flashed an ugly sneer.

“It’ll be a cold day in hell before he thanks you.”

“Why?” Elliott winced, trying to wrench from my grasp.

“Because I’m her owner, cocksucker.”

With a feral roar, I twisted Elliott’s arm behind his back, then shoved him face-first over the bar. Ignoring his yelp of surprise and the collective gasps and screams rippling around me, I forced his face to the slab of wood, pinning him in place.

“I-I’m sorry, man. I-I didn’t know she was yours,” the fuck-nut whined as he struggled to get free.

“It doesn’t matter who she belongs to, asshole. You forced a sub…a collared sub, to grope your pathetic dick,” I growled. “Your membership is revoked. If I see you near this club again…I’ll fucking kill you.”

“Need some help, boss?” Drake asked, easing in alongside me.

Darting a glance at the big man’s intimidating scowl, I watched him protectively ease Julianna behind him, blocking Elliott’s view of her with his big, tattooed body. Next to Drake stood DMs Tony, James, and Ian; each glaring daggers at Elliott as he continued cursing and struggling for freedom.

“Yeah. Grab my toy bag and cuff Julianna to a cross while I haul this piece of shit outta my club.”

“With pleasure,” Drake replied.

“Be careful, Master,” Julianna whispered, darting out from behind Drake.

“Don’t worry about me, sweet slut.” Grabbing Elliott by the back of the collar, I yanked him upright from the bar and flashed her a wicked grin. “Worry about what I’m gonna do to you when I get back.”

Julianna blanched and nodded. “I already am, Master,” she replied, nibbling her bottom lip.

As Drake snagged the bag and led her away, relief wended through me. I trusted the man, not only because he was a gay Leather Daddy, but because he’d been Julianna’s mentor until I had pulled my head out of my ass and finally claimed her—thanks to a near death experience.

Ironically, it took dying and coming back to life for me to put things into perspective and finally start living again.

“I can walk out of this shithole by myself, fuck-face,” Elliott snarled.

“I know, but it’s more fun this way,” I sneered, gripping his wrist and collar tighter before shoving him forward.

While the prick cursed, insulted, and lobbed threats at me, the members parted like the Red Sea. Tony, James, and Ian’s footsteps echoed off the tile floor as they followed behind me. When we reached the wide, red velvet curtain—separating the dungeon from the lobby—James and Ian sprinted past me. James parted the heavy drapes while Ian jogged to the front door and held it open.

Still ignoring Elliott’s threats and snarls, I shoved him out onto the sidewalk and pinned him with a deadly glare. “Get the fuck out of here and don’t come back, or I’ll kill you like I did the last prick who touched my slave.”

I slammed the door and locked it, then leaned against the cool wood and closed my eyes.

Trying to dislodge the blood-chilling images of the past now assaulting my brain, I blew out a deep breath.

I could still feel the weight of the gun in my hand. See the venom and rage in the crazy man’s eyes. Hear the dual shots splintering the night. Feel the burn from the bullet punching through my skin. And hear Julianna’s chilling, frantic screams echoing in my ears.

“Elliott isn’t Jordon, man,” Tony assured, gripping my shoulder.

With a nod, I opened my eyes. The two of us were alone in the lobby. “I know, but…”

“The similarities are too close for comfort. I get it, I do, but don’t worry, man. He’s not gonna get the chance to follow through with his threats. We’ll all watch over you and Julianna like a pack of rabid wolves. Just don’t bust our balls when we insist on escorting you two in and out of the club. All right?”

“I won’t. Thanks, brother. I appreciate it.”

“No problem. Forget about Elliott and go help Julianna. She needs to find her place as much as you do yours.”

“Is that your professional opinion?” I scoffed at the psychologist.

“Nah. I just know Drake. He might get tired of waiting for you and decide to punish Julianna without you,” Tony teased, clapping me on the back. “You know how that big bastard loves whipping ass.”
