Page 155 of Bite of Pain

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“Are we still clear, Sam?” Max asked into the microphone of his headset.

I knew he was talking to his submissive, Samantha—sitting at the bank of monitors in Mika’s office.

As we waited for her reply, tension spiked in the air, and I held my breath.

“All clear,” Max announced an instant later.

Dragging in a ragged breath, I clung to Mika and kept pace with the circle of bodies collectively striding down the hall.

“This is crazy,” I tersely whispered at Mika. “What if we’re walking straight into an ambush?”

“We’ve got a contingency plan for that,” Ian assured beside me.

“Totally,” James seconded, keeping pace alongside Mika.

In tandem, the PIs reached behind their backs and each retrieved a pistol.

“Fuck this,” I blurted, sinking my heels into the carpet again, causing the entire entourage to stop.

“Language,” Mika growled.

“I’m sorry, but this is just…no. Hell no. Call the cops,” I begged, clutching his arm. “Let them sweep the parking lot and the surrounding area. If Elliott is out there, they can arrest him for trespassing.”

“That’s not an option, and you know it, pet.” Mika stroked a knuckle down my cheek with a weak smile.

I did. Involving the police was too risky.

Among the kinky members of Genesis were several well-respected doctors, lawyers, judges, business owners, prominent political officials, and parents. Compromising their anonymity could destroy their lives and livelihoods.

“Put those away.” Mika scowled at Ian and James.

As the pair holstered their weapons, Mika sent me a wink. I knew he was trying to help me cope, but I was beyond scared.

“Are you good now, princess?” Drake arched a brow.

“Yes,” I lied before sucking in a shallow breath.

As we made our way down the hall, Mika pulled me tighter to his side. The tension rolling off him had my anxiety pegging in the red.

Drake paused and pulled the heavy metal door open. The humid summer night air stole the air from my lungs. Bile burned the back of my throat as the rugged Doms moved in closer, pressing around me and Mika, like sardines in a can.

No one said a word as we stepped onto the wide stoop.

In the distance, a siren wailed.

A foreboding chill slid down my spine as I skimmed a wild gaze over the parking lot, homing in on the eerie shadows between the parked cars. Descending the stairs, my legs trembled so badly, I gripped the front of Mika’s shirt and held on tight as he, too, scanned the area.

The sound of crunching gravel made me jolt and freeze. Panic thundered through me, and a tiny whimper bubbled in the back of my throat.

“What’s wrong?” Mika demanded.

Pausing, he swiveled his head from side to side, looking for danger. I struggled to find my voice as Drake broke from the pack. Gravel crumbled beneath his heavy boots as he rounded the back of the Escalade to reunite with Trevor. I then realized there was no danger…only Daddy’s enormous feet.

“Nothing, Master,” I whispered, shoving the self-induced panic from my system.

When Drake wrenched the driver’s side door open, Trevor’s high-pitched scream of terror completely drowned out the chorus of Let’s Go Crazy blaring from inside the SUV.

Mika flashed Dalton a crooked grin and chuckled. “Elvis might be king, but Prince is the man.”
