Page 32 of Bite of Pain

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She rocked her hips back and forth, getting more friction against her clit without rising above him. “When I hold your cock hostage in my pussy without moving,” she murmured.

“Never. It feels so good. You feel so good wrapped around me. I could spend hours inside your pussy without movement.” His strained voice told her he was dead serious.

“You feel closer when you’re deep inside me.”

He smiled. “I am closer, baby. Consumed by you in the best imaginable way.”

She gripped his cock with her channel.

“Jesus, Gemma. When you do that…”

“What?” she teased. “When I do that, what happens?”

“You drive me mad with the need to possess you. I want to flip you onto your back and fuck you into the headboard. I want my seed inside you. I want it spilling out of your pussy. And I don’t want you to wash it off. I want it to run down your legs and dry on your thighs.”

She groaned. How could he manage to make such filthy words sound so damn sexy? “I want that too,” she whispered as she finally lifted up slowly until just the head of his cock was lodged inside her. She held his gaze, waiting, prolonging both their needs before slamming back down over him.

He arched his hips off the bed, thrusting deeper.

“Hey…” she complained. “Who’s in charge here?”

He gripped her hips to hold her steady and held her above him a few inches before lifting his cock up into her. “Me, baby. Always me. I might humor you, but I’m still in charge.”

She shuddered and moaned as he fucked her from below. Damn, but he was good at this. It was a power exchange. In a way, there was no denying he was bigger than her and a dominant man. On the other hand, he liked her to feel like she had choices. Both of those realities felt powerful. She could be both in control and turning herself over to him at the same time.


Gemma dropped her palms flatter on his chest and leaned forward to get more friction against her clit. She groaned so loud the sound vibrated in the room.

Damon slid a hand around, found her clit, and pressed against it. “Come for me, baby. I need you to pulse around my cock before I’ll let myself go.”

She did as instructed, unable to hold back any longer, her release all the more intense with his erection buried so deep.

A moment later, he cried out with his own release, gripping her hip tight while still rubbing her clit.

She was panting, but a huge grin spread across her lips at the same time. “How is it always that good?”

He eased his hand around and gripped her ass. “Because I’m so in love with you I can’t see straight.”

She gave him a slow smile. “Yeah, that’s it.” She dropped down over him and brought her lips to his. “God, I love you.”

* * *

Chapter 2


Damon was one lucky bastard. It sure hadn’t seemed like it three years ago when he’d returned to the compound where Gemma lived to find every single human murdered and Gemma missing.

He’d thought he might die that day, and he’d dedicated every fucking moment of every day for the next three years to finding her. Success seemed incredibly unlikely as the weeks and months went by, but he never gave up hope.

When he’d finally recognized her body up for auction on the dark web, he’d had to blink several times, thinking his mind was playing tricks on him. But she was real, and he secured a bid, and now, he never intended to let her out of his sight again as long as he lived.

They could do just that—never separate—if they were so inclined. Lord knew he had enough money from his father’s estate to live comfortably well past one hundred if he chose. So far, that’s what he’d been doing with Gemma for the past month. Living. Enjoying every moment with her.

They’d slept hard. Neither of them had gotten enough sleep for three years. Now that he knew exactly where she was every night—wrapped tightly in his arms—he could finally rest.

She had demons. They would be battling them for the rest of their lives. But with every passing day, she was shoving them deeper into a corner.
