Page 53 of Bite of Pain

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“No, I don’t,” I said and pushed past him as quickly as I could. Fighting the growing crowd, I managed to get away from him before he was able to grab me again.

I only had another forty-five minutes. I needed to get my tables squared away, try not to obsess over the new information I received, and, most importantly, I needed to avoid Dimitri at all costs. He disappeared into the crowd once I was away from him, but that didn’t mean he’d left.

I took the orders from the new tables and brought them back to the bar, first making sure the big Polish guy was gone.

Finally, with a full night's tips in my pocket, I punched out for the night and grabbed my purse from my locker in the back. I made another month’s rent. At least that’s one less thing I had to worry about.

I headed out to the side entrance of the club that led out onto a side street. After stepping over a passed out twenty-something-year old and around a small group of assholes trying to sneak their way into the back of the club, I rounded the corner to my bus stop.

“Aleksandra!” A dark voice called out as the bus doors opened. The hair on the back of my neck stood up, but I forced myself to step up onto the bus and not look back.

As the bus pulled past the club, I looked out my window. Dimitri stood on the corner. His hands were tucked into the front pockets of his leather jacket; his dark eyes met mine through the window. Electric fire erupted inside my chest.

He recognized me.


I pulled the wire on the bus to get off at the next stop. I’d need to make a quick trip to the pharmacy before heading home. It was probably for the best. The blonde never really looked great on me. Maybe black would be more my style.

Finally getting home, I dragged my tired ass off the bus and headed to my basement apartment. Even at one in the morning, there were stragglers walking the streets. After making sure the gate was locked, I headed down the four steps to my apartment door.

Inside, I took a long breath.

Henry was back in the country.

And Dmitri Staszek had found me.

Grabbing the hair dye from the bag, I marched on exhausted feet to the bathroom.

New York had been fun, but it was time to go.

Chapter 3


Where the hell did I put my computer charger? I threw the cushions off the couch, which led to the discovery of eighty-five cents in change and three pens but no charger. Leaving the cushions, I went back to the kitchen to check the junk drawer. Again.

I had the damn thing two nights ago when I was streaming a movie, but did I put it back on my nightstand where it’s supposed to be? Nope. Growing more panicked by the moment, I yanked the drawer open, spilling takeout menus onto the floor.

“Dammit!” I marched back into my bedroom, where I had two suitcases splayed open on my bed with the contents of my closet and most of my dresser shoved into them. Time was ticking. I had to get going. I had a ticket waiting for me at Penn Station, a one-way to St. Louis. Not my first choice, but it was the first train leaving that morning. I didn’t have time to keep looking. I’d just have to buy a new charger when I got there. I’d already risked too much by taking the time to dye my hair.

I zipped up the first suitcase just as banging started at the front door. It could just be the tenants upstairs. It was three-thirty in the morning. Maybe they were just getting home from a night of partying.

The gate to my door was locked. No one would be able to get to the door to knock on it.

Banging started up again, more urgent this time. I reached beneath my pillow, grabbed the hammer I kept there, and slowly crept through the short hall and through the micro kitchen toward the living room space. My front windows pointed at the street, but I didn’t see any feet. The gate was still closed.

“Aleksandra. Open the door.” Dimitri demanded. I gripped the hammer tighter. How did he get past the gate?

I moved to the door, pressing myself against the wall next to it, ready to do as much damage as I could if he busted the door down.

“I’m losing my patience.” Yeah, well, so had I– about a year and a half ago. I clenched my jaw and raised the hammer. If he broke through, his skull would pay.

A low growl seeped through the door.

“Have it your way.”

The frame and the door splintered as it burst open into my apartment. I closed my eyes, shielding myself from the flying wood. It took a second before I remembered my weapon and swung it toward the door.
