Page 60 of Bite of Pain

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Not to be rescued.

But with pure pleasure as my body unraveled beneath this barbarian’s ministrations.

I slapped at the door as the waves of my orgasm crested and crashed over and over again. I hadn’t experienced such an intense orgasm in forever.

Slowly, it ebbed, drawing me back to reality. My heels pressed down on the floor, my hands uncurled, and I pressed my cheek to the door, drawing in long breaths.

Dmitri’s hand slid down my stomach, out of my shirt. His fingers withdrew from my pussy. The elastic of my pants snapped against my back. From the corner of my eye, I witnessed him shove his three fingers, glistening with my own juices, into his mouth.

He caught my stare and grinned.

“Sweet.” He winked. Winked!

I closed my eyes, trying to shut out what just happened. How easily it had happened.

What the fuck was wrong with me?

He swept me off my feet, literally. In a groom-like fashion, he carried me back to the bed and gently placed me in the middle. I rubbed at my eyes.

“Now, drink this.” He handed me the glass again.

He’d drunk from it, so I knew it wasn’t laced. But the idea of being his docile little captive gave me pause.

“Stop being so stubborn. Drink this. I don’t want you to get sick.”

I took the glass from him, intending to only take a sip. But once the water touched my tongue, I realized how thirsty I really was and drank it down in three large gulps.

“Good.” He took the glass back from me. “We’ll have food soon. Stay in here and relax. The drugs will make your muscles weak for a little while. By this evening you should be ready.”

I looked up at him.

“Ready for what?” I asked.

“Your next punishment,” he answered firmly. “You didn’t think I forgot you running away from the car, and now, again, you ran again.”

I swallowed. “But just now…you…” I wasn’t going to put words to what he’d done. How easily he’d done it.

“I gave you pleasure to calm you.” He raised a brow. “Now you’re calm. You drank your water. You stay here while I make a few phone calls and get you something to eat. When you have your strength back, then we’ll deal with your punishment.”

“You’re going to hurt me?” What a stupid question, of course he was. And he looked like he was going to enjoy it.

“I’m going to punish you. How much it hurts, depends on you.” He opened the door.

“Wait! Where are we?” I asked, suddenly realizing I had no idea where we were.

“In a cabin,” he said.

“Where is the cabin? Are we still in New York?” The sun was shining outside, so it had to be morning, maybe early afternoon. But how long had I been asleep in the cabin?

“No, we aren’t in New York,” he said. “No more questions. Rest.” And with that, he turned on his booted heel and marched out of the room, shutting the door behind him.

I leaned back against the headboard of the bed and closed my eyes. He was right, my legs felt heavy. My eyelids, too.

Scrubbing my face with my hands, I sank back down on the pillows.

The scent of pine hit me. I glanced out the single window of the room. We were in the woods.

Alone in a cabin in the woods with a man who looked like he’d just as easily kill me as he would make me orgasm. And if he was as good at the former as he was at the latter, I was a goner.
