Page 70 of Bite of Pain

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“Answer me, or I’ll go back to blonde.”

His eyes went wide, and he scrunched up his nose. “Absolutely not. I forbid it.”

“Forbid? You can’t forbid me anything.” I laughed.

He pulled me against him by my hips. Through his jeans, his steel rod pressed against me.

“There are a lot of things I can forbid.” He leaned down, kissing my cheek, then my throat. “I can forbid orgasms. You wouldn’t like that.”

“You’re avoiding the topic on purpose.” I tried to sound annoyed, but his tongue swept along my earlobe, and it was all I could do to keep standing.

I moaned as his teeth scraped along my neck.

“Fuck.” He growled, jerking away from me and pulling out his phone. “It’s Dominik.” He pressed the phone to his ear and stalked into the bedroom.

I gathered my brush and toiletry bag, quietly following behind him.

“And he agreed?” He walked out of the bedroom. I tossed my stuff on top of the open suitcase lying on the bed and went into the kitchen.

“No. I don’t like that arrangement.” He stood at the back door, glaring out at the backyard. “Then I will keep her–” Dominik must have cut him off because he pinched his lips together in an angry line, shoving his free hand through his hair as he turned around.

Leveling me with a hard stare, he started talking again, but this time in Polish.

How long was I to be his prisoner in this cabin? He never did answer my question about what would happen to me once Henry agreed to back off.

I moved back to the bedroom.

He was distracted with his call, pacing to the front of the cabin. It was the perfect chance to get out of there. The keys to the truck were in the bedroom on the dresser. How easy it would be to grab them and go.

I chewed on a nail debating it. On foot, I wouldn’t be able to get anywhere, but with his truck, I could get to a main road, leaving him stranded at the cabin.

I had only a few minutes to decide.

What the hell was wrong with me? I shook my head. I had to snap out of it. I had to stop thinking and just go. Just because we’d fucked a few times didn’t mean there was anything between us. It didn’t matter if he’d stepped in to keep Henry from finding me first. I didn’t want to be part of this mess. I needed to get as far away from Henry, Dmitri, and all the Staszek’s as fast as I could.

I grabbed the keys and ran for the back door. I hit the ground hard after jumping off the deck and rounded the house. The gate opened easily, and I took off running.

“Aleksandra?” His voice carried out of the small cabin.

My stomach twisted, but I had to go. I had to.

As I rounded the front of the house, the front door swung open.


I stumbled. It wasn’t Dmitri’s voice.

A hand grabbed hold of my sleeve, yanking me backward. I fell on my ass, gravel digging into my skin.

“Stay there.”

I looked up, confused and scared, to find a man with clear blue eyes staring down at me. He was thinner than Dmitri, a little shorter, too. His sandy blond hair was cut high and tight, giving him a much cleaner look than Dmitri with his longer dark hair and tattoos.

“Who are you?” I scrambled back, trying to get away from him, but he reached down and grabbed my elbow, pulling me to my feet.

“Let her go,” Dmitri demanded. He stood on the front porch, which was only a cement slab, in a pair of black jeans and bare feet.

“I will. I will.” My new captor waved a hand at Dmitri. “But you and I need to come to an agreement, Dmitri.” He pulled me closer to him.
