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"I don't know why you're like this," a professor said and called me aside. "You're a brilliant student. But you show up late and even damage stuff. You're an adult for crying out loud. Your older brother isn't that way, and your younger brother isn't either."

He sighed and rubbed his face in frustration. I didn't blame anyone for seeing me that way. I made up for it by being cautious and friendly to everyone. The professor was a friend of my father's.

"In a way, you're like your father. Brilliant, kind, and a social butterfly. Departments where your brothers aren't doing so well in," he sighed. "You really need to sharpen up. You won't be able to find anyone who'd be comfortable enough to continue enduring how you are."

"I know, sir," I said. "I'll try my best."

He was right, I was never comfortable around anyone. I covered up my displeasure with my inability to be myself, by at least being the image of perfection in every other thing. I mastered stitching and surgery because they were delicate and required sheer focus. My mindset was that if I was able to learn how to do it easily, then I'd be able to make fewer mistakes in other aspects of my life.

It didn't work.

"Anyway this is the wrong assignment again," he sighed as he handed it to me, "This is for Dr. Jones."

"Right, thank you," I said as I took the report I spent two days working on and left his office.

I leaned with my back against the door and sighed.

"Rough day?" A voice asked, startling me.

I turned to find a green-eyed blonde girl staring back at me. I had no idea who she was. She was tall, for a lady, topping around 5'8. Her blonde hair was tied up in a ponytail that just seemed to work for her. If I'm being honest, she would have looked better with her hair let down.

"Cat got your tongue?" she asked as she tilted her head to the side, almost cat-like.

"No, sorry," I replied and stepped aside. "He's available right now."

I started to leave. It didn't take me long enough to realize that I was being followed. I turned back and found her humming, as she followed after me.

"Can I help you?" I asked with a smile.

Even when pissed, I made it a habit to just smile at people.

"You're going to Mr. Jones's office right?" she asked.

"Yeah, so?" I raised a brow. "Do you need directions there?"

"Uh no, you're going the wrong way," she replied.

I looked around me and she was right. I was going in the wrong direction.

"I knew that," I said and turned in the right direction.

"You did? Why waste all that time and go the wrong way?" she asked.

"Don't you have anything else to do?" I asked. "A class or something."

"Break," she replied. "Classes resume in an hour."

"You're supposed to be using this time to research," I stated. "Are you in a paramedical course?"

"No, surgery," she replied.

The same course as mine.

"But we don't have any classes in an hour," I said.

"We actually do," she chuckled and showed me the schedule…she was right.

I almost missed a class. It was almost an upgrade from attending the wrong class.
