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I collapsed into my living room chair. The scent of my father's mac n’ cheese wafted in the air.

I missed his cooking.

"Here," he said as he handed me my portion and turned down the volume on the TV. "You want to talk about what happened?"

"Long story short, men are idiots," I replied as I took a bite of my meal and melted in pleasure. "You help one of them, and they automatically think you want something back as repayment. So, I can't be kind to someone I love?"

"So you were in love?" he asked.

"No.. I was just stupid," I replied and continued eating.

"You're really going down on that. If you haven't healed, you can take your time and process everything that has happened," he said. "I'm not really good at this."

"Dad, can't I just live with you forever?" I sighed. "So many men out there are just dumb."

"I think you're saying this out of what just happened to you," he said. "I still want my grandkids."

"Adoption," I pointed at him.

"I can take that," he shrugged. "But I won't advise that you close your heart to love. It might have not worked out this time, but there's nothing wrong with trying again."

"Even if I were to try again, it will not be with an idiot like him," I insisted. I continued my meal, finishing it completely and starting eating from Dad's.

"Well, that works too," he said as he caressed my head. "Try not to eat too much."

"I hear you," I said as continued my meal.

I had made up my mind to completely lock Ethan out of my heart and mind, then find a way to make my parent's hospital prosper. Who needed Ethan?

Chapter eight

The Favor


It's been five months since everything ended before it even began. My brother had gotten married to a nurse he met through my nurses exchange program. I was happy for them. It reminded me of a future that would have probably been mine if only I knew when and how to shut my mouth at the right time.

I hadn't seen Stacy since then. I eventually found her file and went to her apartment but the owner said she left the following day. That was the only address she had left with me.

Allison refused to give me her contact. I tried using other numbers to call her but whenever she heard my voice the numbers would be unable to reach her anymore.

It was frustrating. I couldn't find her in Richmond. I frequented the mall, and I had become addicted to the diner. I still couldn't find her. I looked for failing hospitals in Richmond but none matched with her and none of them knew her.

It got to a point that I was desperate enough to almost hire a private investigator to find her. But that would have been beyond creepy. In terms of my life, my clumsiness had dropped. I treated the instructions she gave me as a bible. She had also suggested things to aid with helping me remember things.

Using a phone as a reminder wasn't going to work. I loved collecting small books that could fit in the palm of my hand. I bought several with spiral spines and attached them to a keychain with my belt. If I ever needed something, I just had to check my waist. I'd advise anyone else with my kind of problem to try it.

My skills as a doctor had improved. I had a redemption arc. Ben's new wife before they were married had an injury on her forehead, which wasn't fatal, but I was able to do something about it. Compared to when his late wife was on her deathbed, I was just glad that I was of use to a brother I had long admired and loved.

I stopped womanizing as well. When I realized that Stacy truly cared about me because of me and went out of her way to make me improve, I was sure that I didn't need the other women who were focused on my wealth and face. I worked on improving my physique and psyche, training until the day I'd meet her again.

I wasn't going to count on that, though.

"Ethan? For fuck's sake ETHAN!" Ian's annoyed yelling got through to my head.

I had forgotten that I was spotting him as he bench pressed.

"Oh sorry," I apologized as I helped him return the weights to their place.
