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"You're welcome," I said smugly.

We had more patients that day. A lot of them were there because I was there. I handled most of the diagnosis. At least they weren't serious cases that required my expertise in surgical practice.

The nurses followed me, squabbling over who would assist me.

Back in Richmond, I was treated normally, maybe because of the influence of the kind of people who came to be treated in my hospital. I actually forgot that I was more or less a celebrity doctor.

I had been in more magazines than both my brothers combined. Social butterfly powers and abilities never ceased to amaze me and everyone who came in contact with me.


"We haven't experienced this amount of patients in months," Henry admitted during a break.

The crowd had thinned down. I was a little exhausted as most of the patients had insisted that I'd be the one who'd attend to them. My hands hurt from all the hand shaking and pressing

Well at least this will be enough to get me some forgiveness points from my new boss.

"Most of the patients weren't sick; they just wanted to meet with Ethan," Stacy noted. "And the nurses were busy fawning over him."

I may have not been the best in communication, but even I knew that I wasn't meant to respond to her anger or tone.

"Well at least we've gotten the recognition we've been looking for," Henry pointed out.

"And when he goes back, what happens?" she asked.

"Fair point," he said as he nodded positively. "That's why we have to learn as much as we can from him, so despite the outcome of what happens here, we can be sure that we'd have something that'll help in retaining more patients."

Nicely said, Henry. Stacy also looked pleased with her father's assessment.

"Well, I'm just happy to help out in whatever way I can," I said and got up to go for a walk.

"I'm surprised, your first day here and you didn't break anything. Did you sell out your clumsiness in order to acquire a conscience?" Stacy asked with a smirk.

"As a matter of fact I did," I smirked in return. "It also gave me the ability to charm women in return."

"Right," she chuckled softly and looked away, "Classic Ethan."

What's this? She isn't being so hard on me as before. Did I do something? Well whatever it is, I'll keep on doing it as the results are the desirable kind.

It felt good that I was no longer her gaze as an annoying pest or whatever. I was finally earning some points, although getting used to her was taking me some time. I decided to use the opportunity to explore the area, as I had no idea what was where.

"Where are you going?" Stacy asked.

"A walk. What kind of man would I be if I didn't explore?" I said, a look of determination spread across my face.

"Don't get lost," she warned. "I would rather you stay here."

"Oh please, who gets lost in Glen Allen?" I scoffed and left.


It was a few minutes past ten in the morning. Not bad timing for a stroll. As I strolled through the charming streets of Glen Allen, Virginia, I felt a sense of excitement and curiosity. The crisp morning air filled my lungs as I set out to explore this quaint town. My first stop was Crump Park, where the rustling leaves and chirping birds created a soothing symphony. I marveled at the historic Meadow Farm Museum, its aged structures echoing tales of days gone by.

Continuing my journey, I wandered into the vibrant Virginia Center Commons mall, where the buzz of shoppers and the scent of freshly brewed coffee welcomed me. The rows of shops seemed endless, each offering a unique treasure waiting to be discovered. I paused to admire the intricate designs at the Wine Loft, elegant atmosphere in stark contrast to the park I had just left.

As the sun climbed higher in the sky, I decided to take a leisurely walk along the serene Virginia Capital Trail. The scenic route offered a glimpse of nature's beauty, with the stunning views of the Chickahominy River, captivating my senses. The historic markers along the trail spoke of the area's rich past, giving me a deeper appreciation for Glen Allen's history.

Lost in my thoughts and the surroundings, I continued my exploration, unknowingly straying from the path that had guided me so far. The streets became unfamiliar, and the landmarks I had encountered earlier seemed to blur together. Panic slowly crept in as I realized that I had lost my way. The once-inviting surroundings now felt like a labyrinth, and a sense of unease settled in.
