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"I take it you haven't been able to convince her," Henry said. "I thought as I was away, you would have found a way to."

Well, I was trying to convince her…just not regarding the hospital–for more of a selfish reason. That may have involved her becoming my love interest.

"Well, I didn't really put in that much effort. We were both occupied trying to make sure the hospital ran smoothly," I explained. It wasn't a lie, just half-truth. "Right, Stacy?"

"Why ask me?" she said and looked away.

I smirked as I noticed her ears redden.

"But what do we do now?" Henry said and sighed. "I don't know how long I'm going to handle this. I plan on retiring soon, anyway."

"Stacy and I will figure something out," I assured him. "I'll talk to her."

"She's a stubborn one," he said, preparing to depart. "But whatever decision she comes up with, I'll agree to it. Even if it means not selling the hospital anymore."

"Dad," Stacy called out.

"It's a parent's job to help their children achieve their dreams," he said. "If this is truly yours, then I won't stop you anymore. Besides, you seem a lot different now. I'm sure things will be okay given the way everything is going."

He gave me a knowing smile. "I heard you two went to the farmer's market event."

He knows.

"That was just to make sure he didn't get lost like last time," Stacy said in her defense.

Defending right now doesn't help things.

I shrugged and added, "Whatever she says."

"Right," he smiled. "I'm going home now. The hotel beds are nothing like the ones at home."

"I couldn't agree more." I frowned as I remembered my difficulty sleeping in the guest house.

One of the major reasons I was glad the vacation was over, so I could get a proper bed back in Richmond.

I had also made a mental note to buy new beds and donate them to the place for my next visit, along with recipes and ingredients for food that can be served to humans.

Henry nodded and left the both of us alone. Stacy let out a sigh walked away from the window and stood in front of the anatomy model. I got up and walked over to her. I placed my chin on her shoulder and hugged her from behind.

"Lift your head," she said.

I did as she said, and she leaned back placing her head under my chin. She touched my arms. I tightened my embrace and pulled her to my chest.

"Am I that stubborn?" she asked.

"Yes," I replied without a second of hesitation.

"You could have just said no," she said and chuckled softly.

I kissed her hair. "The stubbornness is part of the reason I'm in love with you."

"You don't hesitate to say how you feel," she remarked.

"Should I hesitate?" I whispered into her ear, and her body shuddered. "Are you okay?"

"Your voice reverbs through my body," she said and pressed her behind against my groin. "That's a pretty dangerous move against a woman who's supposed to be ovulating."

"Is that so?" I asked as I lowered my left hand and squeezed her thigh. "Is this okay?"
