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"If that is your command, then I must obey," I said with a bow.

"Good boy," she said as she made her way upstairs. "Unfortunately, you have to bathe yourself. I'm sure you can handle that alone?"

"Of course I can. I'm not that helpless." I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah right," she scoffed and smiled. "I'm in love with you Ethan."

It struck me like lightning, leaving me dumbfounded as she turned to continue her ascent. I watched her leave and immediately decided that this was a sight I wanted to wake up to every day.


On my way to the hospital, I made a diversion to a jewelry store.

"Good morning, sir," the attendant greeted me.

He was an old man and very friendly. I knew the shop from my father's stories about how he had proposed to my mother. I wanted to buy a ring from this place if I ever got married.

"Good morning, sir," I replied with a smile.

"You look familiar," he remarked.

"Dr. Ethan Sullivan," I introduced myself.

"Sullivan? Sounds familiar," he said. "A customer with the same name bought from me some decades ago."

"My father," I replied with pride.

"Well, that makes sense," he said while laughing. "He had this unsure look just as you do right now. Tell me, have you found the one?"

"I have," I answered.

"Good, good, but, is she ready?" he asked.

I…I don't know. I couldn't say it. Was she ready for the next level? We had just reconciled after five months of being apart. There were still things that I wasn't clear on. I just wanted to propose and make sure that she stayed with me forever.

Wait that makes marriage sound like a cage.

The point is, I wanted her by my side.

"Everything is," she replied, "Just the way they are now."

Maybe I was rushing things.

"Looks like an 'I don't know' reply," he said. He noticed that I had yet to give a reply as fast as when he asked if I had found “the one”.

"I don't want to rush her. She has this dream, you know, and I don't want her to give up on it for me," I said as I looked at the rings in the showcase: beautiful stones, sitting on rings of silver and gold.

"You don't have to worry about whether she's ready now or not. You could always buy one now and wait until the perfect moment to give it to her," he advised. "Sorry, the salesman in me spoke for a second there."

"It's alright," I chuckled. "I'll buy one. What do you recommend?"

"I don't recommend rings for marriage," he replied. "The customer decides the one worthy enough to grace the fingers of his loved one. It's a conscious decision and only one you can make alone. Walk around the store until you find something useful."

"Alright, thank you." I appreciated him and started my quest.

All the rings were beautiful no doubt, but none of them seemed to signify the bond I had with Stacy.

I wanted it to be special. Something that she would see and immediately think about us. I was beginning to lose hope when something glimmered in the corner of my eye. I turned and found an open box with a particularly beautiful engagement ring. From the moment I saw it, I knew it was the one.
