Page 82 of Grumpy Bossy Doctor

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I still had her resignation letter in my pocket, a reminder of my failure and inability to keep her by my side. Jason started crying.

"Dinner is almost ready." Stacy came out quickly. "Hi, Ian."

"Good evening, Stacy," I returned her greeting as I handed her son to her.

She looked like she wanted to say something but shook her head negatively and smiled. "Would you two mind helping set the table? Let me feed Jason. Ethan forgot the bottles too."

"No problem," Ben and I responded in unison.

We headed straight for the dinner table and got the cutlery out. It was a long dining table with a lot of seats. When we were younger, we wondered why Dad had gotten a table this big when there were only five of us. He mentioned that he wanted it to seat his entire family. Now I understood.

"The baby is officially here," Mom announced as she came to inspect the dining.

"Evening Ian," Olivia greeted as she came out with one of the meals. "Ben sweetie, the turkey."

"Is this Thanksgiving?" I asked my mother.

"No, but we're giving thanks for his life and our new family," Mom replied and kissed my cheek. "Go help your brother get things plated."

I smiled and obeyed. We had finished setting the dinner table and bringing out the meals when Ethan returned.

"Traffic, and I don't know what other reason to excuse my lateness," Ethan said, a sorry attempt for an apology making everyone present to let out a sigh.

He made eye contact with me. "Ian."

"Ethan," I replied.

He nodded and took his seat next to Stacy.

"Now that we're all here, let's get started," Mom pronounced.


Dinner was going well, until Mom popped the question. She didn't mean any harm. Considering the progress of things it was an expected question.

"Considering the order of how things have been going in terms of marriage, Ian, I believe this might be your year?" Mom asked.

I didn't miss the look Ethan gave me. Ben wasn't interested.

"It might not be possible after all," I said and continued my meal.

"Not when you're using my identity that is," Ethan said it.

"Here we go," Ben sighed.

"Now? Ethan?" Stacy asked.

"What's going on?" Olivia was lost.

Luckily, the kids had left for bed earlier, so it was just the adults. I wiped my mouth with a napkin and poured myself a glass of wine.

"I believe I should apologize about that,” I said.

"What is going on?" Mom asked.

"Ian, over here, posed to be me to get a woman. I met said woman, and it almost caused a scene," Ethan replied.

"What? Why?" Mom asked me.
