Page 135 of Mafia Grace

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“So stop worrying. What do you want to do next?”

“Umm, don’t you think we should get home? You should talk to your men about what happened. My father doesn’t let things go, Salvatore. He’ll look to get even for the humiliation he felt.”

“Tomorrow.” He responded, no sign of worry on his face, “Today is about me and my Grazi.”

“Take me to our place then. We haven’t been there in a while.”

“We haven’t been there since you tried to leave me.”


Tried. I’d tried to leave him a million times. I shook my head remembering every time Itriedto push Salvatore away.

“Thank you for not letting me leave you, Sasa.”

“Didn’t I tell that’s not an option?”

“You did.”

“Didn’t I tell you you’d be my wife?”

“You did.”

“All you had to do is listen.”

“But I didn’t.”

His green eyes sparkled.

“No, so I had to fuck all that stubbornness out of you. Fine by me.”

I fought him so passionately and he used his body to disarm me every time, showing me all the things that bound us. I never stood a chance of winning. He made me his years ago and didn’t let go for a second.

“Let’s go, Sasa.Your Grazineeds some more time with her husband.”


He took me to a coffee shop and we picked cappuccinos and éclairs before he drove up to our spot up on the cliff. The lemon tree I loved so much was filled with ripe fruits. Between Salvatore’s strong arms holding me, the sweet smell lingering in the air, and the sounds of the sea cashing on the shore bellow us, it was a beautiful afternoon.

Even now when we were married, I rarely had a chance to enjoy Salvatore like this. He came home every night and shared our bed with me, but he was away on business most of the day, so I savored every second we got to share where it was just us. No family, or friends, or wars. Us. A man and his woman. ADonand his wife.

We laid down in the sun, I studied his face and traced lines along his jaw memorizing it, until the contact was not enough anymore. I needed more. I wanted him naked and on top of me, making me scream his name to the gods. As soon as I vocalized my desires, Salvatore carried me to the car and drove back home like we were being chased by thecarabinieri.

After a couple of uninterrupted hours of pleasure, I was left in bed, on my back, feeling like I was floating on a cloud. Sasa finally peeled himself away to go shower, but I didn’t have the strength to follow, so I just dragged myself in the middle of the bed and looked at the ceiling and around the room.

I almost expected to see the frames on the wall crooked and the decorations on the table to be on the floor from the shock waves we created. The love I felt for him was so wild and irrepressible, so divine and absolute, I was sure it had the power to shake the earth under us. Even if he wasn’t in the room, I could feel him next to me. It was like a soft touch – his soft touch – refused to leave me. We were one, bound by love, by sex, by God. We were one in every way there was to gift yourself to someone.

Salvatore came back from the shower stark naked, not that I was bothered by the image of my wet, Greek-god looking husband parading himself around, and looked at me while rubbing his hair with a towel.

“You covered yourself.” He noticed and pulled down the sheet enough to be able to see my breasts. “Much better.”

“You had me naked long enough.”

“Ha! Never,Tesoro. Look at you.” He grabbed my foot and slowly stroked my calf. “This elegant body was created to be seen.”

“Maybe you’re right. I should be naked all the time.” I bit my lip. “In front of everyone.”

“Grazi.” He warned. I loved that warning tone.
